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RE: Hey, I'm Kyle Jacobs [Root] and I make Erotic Graphic Novels. -- Ask me Anything.

in AskMe5 years ago

That's interesting. I hadn't thought to check out non-english work. I would suppose translations are freely available.

I'm not familiar with Silverberg or Pohl.

Any recommendations?

I get what you mean a bit about the constructed complex huge new worlds.

It's a bit much to handle sometimes. Like the whole xenobiology angle of the enders game series, toward the end of them -- when Ender is out traveling at light speed to new worlds, etc.

Took me a decent amount of time and multiple attempts to really feel the strength of that book.


I remember reading Silverbeg's 'Sailing to Byzantium' and liking it a lot.
Frederick Pohl has written a lot of short stories, besides his books, a good way to take a taste.

I usually prefer short stories, novellas and standalone books. Reading a three or a five book series seems to big of a 'commitment' and time is often limited.
I did enjoy reading some of the 'Dune' books, though not all of them.

Translations of non-us works are very interesting because they are set in a real context of another culture. Check women sci-fi writers from India if you want something refreshing, i don't remember titles unfortunately.