The first step to success in life

in CCH2 months ago

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  • In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Assalamu Alaikum my dear readers brothers and sisters how are you all? I hope by the infinite mercy of the Almighty God you are all doing well. I am also doing well by your prayers and by the infinite mercy of the Almighty God, Alhamdulillah.
Ways to increase your hard work ability(Part 1)
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Yes friends, today I will work hard with you to increase your power. Today I will discuss with you in the first part all the ways that are available.

In each of our lives, we can achieve the impossible with hard work. We may not be a good writer. Or a good poet, or a great person. But we can reach our highest goal with our hard work.

You can reach a place through your hard work. That you never imagined. You can leave behind many talented people with your hard work. You can reach the best of the best if your goal is consistent.

One of the most true sayings in our world is that hard work is the mother of luck. You have to choose your goal. With that, you have to work hard and be honest to reach your goal. Surely, you will succeed one day or the other.

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There are many people among us who may know more than I have said. But even then they cannot become a hardworking successful person in life. Just being physically strong will not do. You have to add a lot to it.

To be a hard worker, you must have physical strength. But along with that, you must also have mental strength. And along with that, you must follow some rules and regulations in your life.

And so today I will tell you about those things. If you know the things, you will no longer have to worry about ways to increase your ability to work hard. You will do your hard work from where exactly. You will understand it yourself. So let's find out what those ways are?

01- Don't work for long periods of time.
We all know about boredom. One thing to keep in mind is that when we focus on a task for a long time, we lose our focus on that task. We become bored and bored, we feel bored with that task.

The human mind and brain are things that, if you have one thing in front of you for a long time, it gets annoying, and things have to change every now and then.

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If you don't change something on your own, then he tries to change it in his imagination or he wants to sleep. You must notice. When we work on something for a long time, we suddenly go into a fantasy world. Or suddenly, we get tired and fall asleep in that place.

Remember this, it is the biggest obstacle to working hard.

There is a word in English called "attention span". Which, to put it simply in Bengali, means the ability to maintain continuous attention. No one can actually do this. No one can maintain continuous attention to any task.

But you must gain the strength to maintain focus on the task continuously in order to work hard.

  1. Divide the task that seems too big for you into smaller tasks according to your needs.
    When we go to do some big work or try to do some big work, our brain will repeatedly stop it. When we go against our brain and try to do some big work according to our wishes, then the brain also repeatedly sends messages that it needs rest now.
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Sometimes we have to take a break even if we don't want to. Because our brain needs rest. And in that case, when we are working hard, there are many obstacles.

Now what you should do is what you will do. You will divide any big task into small ones. That will develop your brain imagination.

Our brain and imaginary and real events have the same process. For example, we often see something funny while working, we suddenly remember it and laugh. Again, many times we see something painful. We remember it, because of which we suddenly feel bad.

Suppose you have a very big project in your hands. Now you have to complete the work very carefully. For that, you have to first divide the work into small parts.

Suppose you have to write a book of at least 50 pages on a subject. What do you think of first? You will shake it out of your head for 50 pages. After that, you will think first. What can you write in the first ten pages? Think about it first and carefully, complete that writing.

If you decide to write a whole book, i.e. 50 pages at once. Or think about that topic. Then it will take a very big blow on your brain. As a result, your brain will put you to sleep.

And so I will tell you that if you want to complete that big book very carefully, then you have to finish writing the first ten pages first. Then you will think about what to write in the remaining ten pages. Then you will think about what to write in the remaining ten pages, ten pages at a time. In this way, gradually, when you complete your work little by little, then you will see that you can complete your entire big work in a very short time with very little effort.

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You can turn your big task into small tasks by thinking a little and using your intelligence. You will be able to complete your big task. This will save your time. There will be no pressure on your brain. And your working capacity will also increase.
That's it for today, tomorrow I will be back with you again. I will be appearing among you with the second part of How to Increase Your Power of Hard Work.
And until then, everyone, stay well, stay healthy. Stay safe and pray to the Almighty God. May He keep you all healthy. With this wish, I bid farewell here today. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.