We all must always speak the truth, and protest injustice

in CCH5 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Nowadays people who speak the truth and protest against injustice are very few, nowadays most people only resort to lies, there are very few people who speak the truth, and even if they see injustice, no one protests against it, everyone is afraid to speak the truth and protest against injustice. That is why everyone refrains from protesting against injustice and speaking the truth.

If someone speaks the truth and protests against wrongdoings, many people consider him an enemy, many people advise him to refrain from speaking the truth and protesting against wrongdoings, danger will come upon him and because of this he will have to face many problems. By speaking the truth and his fear acts to protest against injustice.

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But basically those who protest wrongdoing and speak truth win, when people stop speaking truth and stop protesting wrongdoing then falsehood wins and oppression of other people increases, everyone tries to do wrong to other people, some Due to non-stopping, the trend of injustice is increasing day by day.

Today on Friday during the discussion before the Friday prayer, I spoke something against some injustices in our area, because of which some people are angry with me, after the Friday prayer they come to me and ask me that you should not have said such things. Your enmity will increase by

I then told them that I would always speak the truth and protest injustice, if by this I would accept danger, if I could, I would try to face that danger, even then I would speak the truth and I will not refrain from protesting injustice, then they leave me.

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If a person continues to protest injustice and everyone in the area supports that person, then all kinds of evil deeds will be removed from that area, the wind of peace will continue to blow in that area, all the people of the area will be able to live happily and peacefully, no one will quarrel with each other, everyone They will spend their lives together.

That's why we all should always speak the truth, truth always wins, and falsehood is always destroyed, injustice is removed from the society by protesting injustice, all people follow their principles and ideals and try to make the society beautiful.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.