Our life is not always the same situation

in CCH9 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Many times we try to hide ourselves, when we don't want to be in front of anyone, we don't like to be in front of anyone, at that time we like to be alone, being alone we often become lazy, and once laziness comes into our life. Then we don't like to do our regular tasks properly.

When we try to stay away from other people, we miss many important things in our life, we do them despite our desire, or we cannot do them despite our desire, because we become lazy, when laziness in our life. When it comes, we are neglected in many places.

We don't always have the same situation in our life, the situation changes at different times, sometimes we like to do a lot and sometimes we don't feel like doing anything, sometimes we like to be alone and sometimes we like to hang out with many people, sometimes we like to sleep and sometimes I wake up and remember the past life.

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We face many situations in our life, in those situations we have to move forward with patience, many times in our life many difficult situations come in that time if we move forward with patience then we will find the right path of life, and happiness will come in our life. , we can live in peace.

During the difficult situation in our life, no one may come to our side, for this reason we have to learn to walk alone at some times in our life, so that we do not lose our way even in the difficult time of our life, so that we can get courage and move forward at that time, any difficult moment in our life. May we do the right thing at the right time if we cannot block the way.

No person in the world is completely happy, everyone is in a lot of trouble from their own position, we may think our own trouble is big, but other people's trouble is more than our trouble, for this we have to be happy in all situations.


Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
