Fishing is Really Good.

in CCH8 months ago

Hey friends, how are you all? Of course it's good news and that's what I hope, hopefully we can all be successful here with this community. And of course I'm very proud because I am too including part of this community. Even though here I still need full learning and support from all of you. And for your support so far I am very grateful guys. Sometimes I also rarely appear. OK, my friends, all here, I also want to share with you about my activities today, namely Monday, July 8 2024. Where I really impressed and very happy to be able to take part in activities with my friends here, and there are also children who do activities with us, namely in the rice fields which used to be planted here but Because this land is often flooded, the owner does not want to plant rice, because flooded land is not good for rice-like plants. So this land is often neglected by its owner, So over time it becomes like a fish pond or like a fish pond and on this land now a lot of fish live here. So if you like fishing, this is the place for you the place, hopefully we won't be disappointed if we fish in this rice field area and the fish are quite big and very delicious for frying because the average size is one and a half ounces to two ounces and a half. OK guys let's see how cool the fish are come on.

This is what the fish that my friend managed to catch looks like, wow the fish is very fresh and this fish is also very beneficial for our bodies, the shape is quite sexy and very soft The taste of the meat also has lots of vitamins. This is called MUJAIR fish at my place and this is quite impressive.

After being released from the hook, the fish were collected in one place like burlap and placed in the water so that the fish didn't die while we were still fishing.

The fishing bait is an earthworm stuck on a hook. Because worms have a smell that this fish really likes, this is how the location looks more or less like a rice field because previously rice was planted here.

The children also really enjoyed doing activities with us here and I also chatted with them and I saw firsthand how happy these younger siblings were. This is indeed the best, and what do you think? all of you, I hope all my friends like it too.
And my friends, those are some of the pictures I was able to take today. I took all the pictures above myself using my personal smartphone, namely the Samsung A022F, which is precisely located behind the Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Negeri Ulee Glee school house, Bandar Dua.


Wow, it's really fun fishing for tilapia, I was very entertained watching it

@Suarlex, thank you very much. Yes, there are lots of fish here. This afternoon I also fried four of them

Great my friend really likes fishing especially fishing with friends

Yes, my friend, fishing is something that can make us feel relaxed and relieve fatigue.