A Giant Rock, UFOs And The Integratron Of Healing In Mojave Desert, California.

in CCH3 years ago

Every little thing has a story behind it and The Giant Rock is a story teller time after time, beginning from Spacecraft, UFO, Integratron, to a spiritual ceremony for years by Native Indian and nowadays people visiting for Dune Buggy ride and camping to see the milky way at night.

Broken piece of Giant Rock.

The Two Legends Of Giant Rock

During World War II, Critzer’s German, an immigrant from Germany bought the land from native Indian and dug the dirt under the Giant Rock to shelter himself. Unfortunately he died with unknown causes as he was accused as a German spy, although it turned out he wasn't a spy at all. He was just a miner and loved everything about radio.

George Van Tassel is a friend's of Critzer who took over the Giant Rock, he held the biggest history of Giant Rock by delivering us an interesting story about UFOs, alien and spacecraft.

In 1952, Van Tassel held Giant Rock Spacecraft Conventions as he drew a lot of attention to UFO believers,. He claimed an alien he met assisted him to slow his age by charging the human body using a rejuvenation machine that later he built called"The Integratron" to collect 50,000 volts of electricity. Although the machine was never finished and he died from a heart attack.

Find out more about the Giant Rock history https://mojaveproject.org/dispatches-item/giant-rock-space-people-and-the-integratron/

In the middle of the rock was actually the door to get into the under ground house, I bet they destroyed it to avoid visitors to get in since the park is unattended.

Integratron Sound Bath

The Integratron itself now privately belong to Three Sisters, they spent some time to restore and now they turn the dome into a Sound Bath as Sonic Healing by using multi wave-sound and singing crystal bowls. You also can buy crystal rocks at their store next to the dome.

Check out Sound Bath at their website, https://www.integratron.com/sound-bath/




A place to relax right by the dome.

Some Pictures From Giant Rock

There is no surprise the beauty the desert gives us different observation about nature, especially the place like Giant Rock with the most enchanting story.
Even though there is not much to explore over there but if you love Dune Buggy, that's definitely the right place for you. People will pack their tent or mobile home to camp for some fun, such as dirt bike, dune buggies or see the perfect sky at night.

On the way you will see the Integratron Dome first then drive in to the dirt road for about 15 minutes before you get to the Giant Rock.







Picture below is my son and my husband, what a lovely image of love. Their relationship seems to more bond to each other although his autism thing is always the biggest problem.
Well, I wish his autism will heal or at least will ease his personality in the future.


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With such a dune buggy I would also have fun exploring the area. Great post 🙂 !WINE

Hello @visionaer3003,
Thank you for the support n coming by, dune buggy is really cool n fun, especially with the thrill and yet the the dust n sound ...

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It's kind of interesting in that area, if you stop by the main high way ..there is a giant formation mountain of rocks surround by other small of rocks and paint in many different kind of art, some funny n lots of them too spooky ..
People hike up to the top to get a cool shot, pretty cool art though!