Dew drops on paddy leaves!

in CCH2 months ago

Now we have winter here. Winter means the form of climate where there is a lot of fog and cold. Especially since the last few days the sun has been seen and the wind is flowing with the sun due to which the cold air is giving chills to the body. Both morning and evening are surrounded by fog. And when the dew drops like rain fall on top of that fog, the intensity of winter seems to increase. But the best is when the dew drops fall on the grass, the scenery is even better. These scenes are a common scene in winter morning or afternoon. Especially when walking on the road, such dew drops can be seen on the grass growing on the side of the road. Which looks very nice.











But these scenes are often seen in our paddy fields. Whenever I go to our paddy fields I see these scenes especially when the dew drops on the leaves of the rice plants are beautiful to see. The way the dew drops form a round shape on the rice leaves is really amazing. But best of all when the light sun rises and these dew drops glisten in the sunlight, these scenes are even more spectacular. When I was lifting paddy seedlings in our land for the past few days, I saw these scenes which seemed amazing to me, so I took photographs at that time.