Stronger / Saturday / Missing Outdoors

in CCH16 hours ago



Many people focuses on how to be happy, and do what makes them happy. They forgot that making yourself strong, can also lead to happiness. Hence, they easily lose their mood when something wrong happens. If you are stronger, you can easily deal with problems, and that can surely give you happiness if you coped with them.


I'm still not that well but better than the previous morning. Colds isn't that bad, but cough is. The good thing is it's loosening. I hope tomorrow would be better for me as I'm healing. This has triggered my asthma but so far better now. I'm unable to support our deaf field service again. Well, I continue to be positive amidst the adversity.

Missing Outdoors

I haven't left home for a week already. I missing being outdoors but I prefer to be fully well when I go out. Unless we will go to the beach which is beneficial to fight against cough and asthma. We're unable to go though because my wife is tired after attending to the wake of her grandmother.





