the dark story of the angry Mount Seneru, and the devotion of a child to his mother who can be an example for many people

in CCH3 years ago

this is a sad story that recently happened in Indonesia, this happened in a village located at the foot of Mount Semeru Indonesia, Saturday 4/12/2021 a natural disaster occurred in Mount Semeru which was erupting, this incident occurred in the afternoon where the surrounding community resting after doing their daily activities, this is a very sad thing where the majestic and very beautiful mountain that day became angry and became a disaster, people who were shocked about the coming eruption flocked to run to save themselves, many of them small children, pregnant women, and even the old man were evacuated to save himself. but unfortunately, what happened, some residents did not have time to save themselves and were buried in ashes from the eruption of Mount Sumeru,

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approximately 34 people died in this incident, many of them parents and children. there is one very sad story, this is one of the victims who died hugging his mother. yes her name is Rukmini. Rimini was found dead buried under volcanic ash by hugging her mother, Rumini who was 28 years old at the time, and her mother named Salamah, who was about 75 years old, according to the disaster victims, when the eruption occurred, Salamah was old and unable to run and save himself. finally rumini as her son helped her to evacuate, but with Rukmini's condition not so strong she decided to stay with her mother and hug her mother, it was the devotion of a child to her mother, she realized she would always accompany her mother even though life was at stake, because the bigger the eruption, the hot volcanic ash began to gush out with great force all the people saved themselves as best they could,

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Finally, after 24 hours in the morning, the evacuation of the victims who were still around Mount Semeru, many of the survivors began to look for relatives who were at home, finally, Uncle Rukmini cleaned the walls of his house and found a hand hugging his mother in his bedroom, he was very surprised and crying in surprise he did not expect Rukmini, who was so devoted to her beloved mother, to keep accompanying her mother even though the eruption disaster came and realized she was able to save herself choosing not to leave her mother who was unable to walk until this story was told many parties were interested in lifting her in the national news. and this invites a lot of attention and reactions from various parties who hear it,

I hope that what Rukmini did to her mother we can emulate and we can always be devoted to our beloved mothers who take care of us from birth until we grow up.


It's really sad and scary that everything happens so fast. I hope things like this don't happen again. This is a very sad event indeed. 😢

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