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RE: CCH Community Daily Curation Update- July, 14th 2022

in CCH3 years ago

Is that what I said? You are actively vote trading with certain accounts that produce low effort farmy content without providing any value to Hive. Aren't you an actual curation project? Shouldn't curating be one of the focuses of your community? Then how come so many of your votes go mainly to certain authors who vote your account back in exchange?

My main issue was with users like this:

How do your votes keep landing on these posts? Is there no oversight? Do you think it's okay as long as you get a vote in return and beat the rest of stakeholders in inflation?

@dagobert007 seems to actively post but he is also involved in voting many of the same users so I really wonder how much you curate the people you write reports about if most of your voting power is just used between certain accounts aka votetrading. This user has left 4 comments in 4 months yet is posting curation reports daily, either he is an alt account or just interested in the post rewards while under the guise of "curating content". It's quite despicable and I'm sure you're well aware of your activity and just acting innocent.


I will immediately ensure that no more reports are written starting tomorrow.

How about explaining what has been going on for so long?

Hello @acidyo Make us, the cch community and Indonesia community a suggestion on how to proceed. I have invested the income from reports, delegation to @hive-117778 and @campingclub. I also have income at steem through curation rewards. I use the curation rewards from steem to keep growing on hive. I am an old man who has problems with today's internet technick but I am learning. I would first like to thank you for taking the time to listen to problems. sorry for my bad english i translate mostly from german to english.

Maybe try to fix this?


Shame to see you vote-trading as well @starstrings01

OK. understood.
I will follow OCD Curationrail with 50% and with the remaining 50% I will curate the cch community and Indonesia community until I have the overview.
Is this suggestion acceptable from your side?Hello @acidyo

I'd prefer you trail another project so it doesn't seem like that's why I'm doing this. I suggest @curangel.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt if all you wanted was to curate and thus leased HP from dlease but found out it was too expensive (since people leasing there earn a much higher APR) and that's why you started trading votes to maintain the leased HP, unfortunately that's not a fair way to do things. There are some other project hope people leasing out HP and the only reason delegators receive such high rewards by leasing there (not to mention the 10% cut dlease takes in the middle), is because most of them abuse post rewards for their own gain thus still coming up on profit at the end for both parties. This ultimately just means that the rest of stakeholders lose out because most of what they curate is themselves on content no one consumes or is just placeholder for their activity and others have to then tend to take shortcuts and gray areas such as votetrading to compete.

I chose 25% curangel and 25% OCD. I will curate the remaining 50% for cch and indonesia community. Thank you for the clarification.

OK. Regarding vote-trading issue, I accept. but if you think that my posts were "very low effort content on a daily basis just to fill the votetrading quota". It's a impolite comment to me. You, as a reasonable curator(thought I did), did not consider my time consuming works of translation of the old Chinese text. The old Chinese text(plus philosophical subject), for Koreans, are also another language and enough times required to understand. You seem to think that vote for long written English posts are available - Not for concentrated and concise philosophical text(is very low effort content). Regarding this, I'd like to correct your misconception/preconception. Thanks.

There's people putting in way more effort to earn less rewards than simply translating a couple sentences along with a photo. Sorry to break it to you but content no one consumes and actively is just a placeholder to increase the speed of your hive stake growing unfairly vs everyone else using it to grow the platform is not going to fly.


There are some things you need to understand clearly. I don't want you to judge based on what you can see about what may have been the work someone else took the time to do.

It would be better to announce that Hive is banning vote trading altogether. Your post stresses the justification that vote trading should be banned, but it seems too long and emotional. I respect your logic, but I think that this kind of response was not appropriate. To me, you look like a dictator with preconception. If you feel uncomfortable with this comment, sorry in advance.

Well it should be pretty obvious by now that vote trading is nothing else than bid bot voting or whatever other scheme you can think of. If everyone votetraded so they all received 2x faster stake rather than just curation rewards and the odd posts others are supposed to curate, how do you think the platform would look like? Probably the same as what Steem looks like today. not to mention no newcomers receiving any curation but having to buy stake to participate, we could just turn into proof of stake at that point and remove post and curation rewards altogether cause who'd want to see placeholder posts in trending just so everyone could maintain max curation and max post rewards daily, something you and other votetraders are doing while everyone else is helping grow the ecosystem and value of your own investment.

Recommendations and prohibitions are different. I didn't understand that hive banned vote trading. Perspectives on values ​​can vary. Justification must be given on a neutral basis.

One more thing, And the justification for your argument, if the practical data is to show that people like me(abuse users that you think) has outstanding returns by votetrading compaired with whales(over 50,000), and witnesses, even not your calculation, many vote-traders would agree. I'm curious about that too. You can use my average annual rate of return. However, rather than comparing with people with less power, the data also show the average returns of whales and other witnesses that everyone judges reasonably. Of course, including you.

You don't need to fetch data to prove that votetrading gives you better returns than not, it's quite simple. Compare yourself to any other user of similar stake and you will notice their post rewards will either vary in amounts or have more unique voters or depend on each and every content of the post. Some may get more than from votetrading while others and a majority would get less if they actively posted once per day for instance. Most of them would get rewards similar in % from their curation but they either have many people they autovote or follow a curation trail or vote manually, not exchange direct votes with similar sized stakeholders just because it guarantees them the highest returns for close to no effort or what's even worse no matter the effort or content. It defeats the purpose of curation, content and the value of earned rewards from proof of brain not to mention the need to be social and gain attention as is not hard to see since this is your first comment in weeks just because of cause of the downvotes and your posts barely get any views yet you earn the same no matter if it's a photo, video or YouTube movie trailer you're sharing.

What you embarrassed me is that you judged that I had been working on my post without efforts. It seems to me that you think a short article with philosophical reflection is not worthwhile. Of course, this is the realm of subjective value judgments. Your point seems to be that users who create value through vote trading should disappear anyhow.

Who are you embarrassed from? No one's reading your posts. Not to be rude but I have a hard time thinking you just didn't know any better.

There is no value being created through vote trading, you mainly extract value. You earn rewards easier and faster than everyone else does and it's not because you are putting in the effort to gain a following or creating captivating content that interests others. It's sad how votetaders don't even attempt to fake engagement because that's how easy it is for them to get away with it but at some point it has got to stop.

Hope you consider my words not as wanting you to quit but to improve, grind your way to a genuine vote support by being active and voting other people's posts you enjoy and start following and engaging with them. if you don't have the time for that then delegate to a curation project or follow a curation trail of those using their votes in a way that benefits the whole platform and your own investment while being okay with only receiving curation rewards maximized, not also the post rewards relative to your stake.

If I seemed to harsh it's because I've ran into you and your group before in the past and it seems like you quickly got back to the same habits.

I'm sorry to interrupt the conversation, but you just called me "nobody" who doesn't read this author's posts.
It was interesting for me to see his garden and growing potatoes, where I saw the experiences of a person and I had something to say about this.
By talking about shitty posts, you have insulted every newspaper in the world since the advent of the printing press.
Go to the newsstand and buy any newspaper.
In it you will see various headings, you will see voluminous and very tiny articles. They have different value to the publisher, but they all have their price. What you don't take into account is that sometimes, the reader doesn't want to fall asleep in the middle of a sea of ​​text, but wants to get the main idea behind the photo and reflect.
As for trading votes, I'm sure you'll find resources in the Hive. who freely do this without penalties from your side. If the sale of votes should stop, then, in all respects, not selectively. otherwise, it looks like bias and raiding.
You put me in a dead end. On the one hand, you want to attract investors to the Hive and the twitter buzz is welcome, but when I say that the investment climate in the hive is great, I become a liar, because after a while the investor will run into you and will be forced to sell his Hive , or delegate it to the whale, who knows best for whom and how to vote, namely, you.
You are a very cultured and polite person, this cannot be taken away, but when racketeers come to your office, they, in the same way, very politely explain that you need their protection and tell you how you should conduct business in the future.
Tell me, honestly, at least once, did you sell or buy votes? Simply, only those who are crystal clear can throw stones. Personally, I periodically get votes from, where you can get or buy voting points, please reset all my posts this week, I deserve it, like

Ok. thanks. You're assuming no one reads my posts, and I 'm a useless abuser who only gnaws at Hive values.

I'll just mention one thing. In Hive system, where there are many English-speaking users, one who had difficulty writing in English still tried to be read, but the value seems to be useless to you. Of course, it is because of vote trading.

And I would like to mention that I did not just do vote trading. I also curated within the scope of my use.