Hello there! It's been a while since I posted here. This week's topic is a very interesting one. Letting go can be both easy and difficult, depending on what's involved and how important it is to us.
For instance, letting go of a belief can be very challenging, especially if it has been producing good and effective results. As we grow up, we are taught so many things, and some of these beliefs stick with us for a long time, even if they no longer serve us.
One such belief is the idea that we must not wear pants as ladies to church because it is not acceptable to God. As children, we were taught that going to church is very important, and we must dress accordingly to please God. However, as I grew older, I began to see things differently.
Wearing pants to church doesn't hinder your prayers to God. What matters most is the state of your heart, not what you wear. It was hard for me to accept this truth initially, but I eventually came to understand that God sees our hearts and not our outward appearance.
I observed that some people who wore pants to church got healed, while some who didn't wear them were still struggling. I realized that what matters is the state of our hearts and our intentions towards God. If we come to God with a pure heart and the right intentions, He will surely answer our prayers, regardless of what we wear. Therefore, as long as we are not naked, we can wear whatever we want to church, as God is more interested in the state of our hearts and our intentions towards Him.
**Thank you for taking the time to read my post **
You're totally right fam. What we wear is just for people to see and what really matters are our actions and intentions ❤️