Luckily you can't bully your way into Hive through being a victim like you can on mainstream social media. Many have tried, all have failed.
The last person that tried didn't understand we were a decentralised community and tried petitioning people with the largest stake, but then realised very quickly, (and probably harshly) about 95% of us here support free choice. In short that means you can be a complete dick and then the community will decide whether to exact justice or tolerate.
There is no removal of accounts or anything like that here -- people essentially do as they please. And, unlike mainstream social you can't just make sweeping statements here about white people (or any colour for that matter), it's just not acceptable - have you noticed that 100% of the commenters have never once said anything about your race? There's a reason for that...
.... Mostly because around 85% of this blockchain is non-white, and that includes the uber-whales.
My mentor is a Mexican, My Pakistani friend just passed me in crypto wealth, go figure. Your assumptions are baseless.
The only way to make it here is through sheer competence and hard grit. And there's one thing I've realised is that the race grifters love the free rides and the "making the numbers" -- but you'll find zero of that here sadly.
You do realise that OCDB is a multi-million dollar project right? That 25k wont go far.
It's going to be an uphill ride from here for you sadly!
Damn! That was a super nice upvote. Thank you. Things like this really make me want to get back into writing again. I never did it for the rewards, only for the recognition and perhaps a little bit of validation :)
The Ironic thing is -- I usually get excited when new tokens come to hive and try and make something of themselves and add something different to the ecosystem. I know how the struggle can be getting started when it's non-tech related. Fashion & Beauty is definitely something I'd have put a few stacks down on.
And when I make big purchases.. other people follow.
Might get us some media attention, and @trumpman can handle the heat, that's for sure. It might be easier to offer them trumpman just so they can get their lawsuit off the ground 😅
Wow. This entire post is just full of victimization. And allegations.
And who cares if white people are threatened? Well same as anyone that's threatened... That's not cool. White people arnt evil or to be hated feared or persecuted...
Why you perpetuate this? This is entirely your fault. And yuck. Not interested. Not wanting apart of your little makeup cult ..
And it's a good idea of you decide to take your special rights down the road and scam.someone else. We are all good. Thanks.
Racists arnt allowed attention. No wonder why you are so mad. Got caught being offensive.
Go join a cult. However I think you'd start running your mouth and get kicked out because you're just rude abusive person.
Enjoy Facebook! I'll make sure to continually throw down votes your way. And I'll be very happy to let all my friends know. And trust me my friends are richer than your friends.
So just wait nobody is going to want to listen to your opinion and you're going to get locked out of this platform and all the opportunities that it brings for the rest of human kind..
Court? What judge is going to accept this? Not a single one. And you and your racist boyfriend deserve fakebook. By all means go all antifa and BLM.
By the way you are muted. And love this so much I'm gonna sign you up for autodownvote.
Thanks and love seeing the worst of the worst get karma. You was reputation 46 yesterday. Today 20... Lmao.
So what's with all this racial hatred? Why do you hate other humans for the color of their skin? If they hate you then you scream as loud as you can. But when you do it it's allowed?
Some bullshit. And total ignorance. And downright blatant racist.
Hatred over skin pigmentation? You arnt worthy of respect. Kick rocks. You and your boytoy.
Lol. Thanks for the laugh. Btw you know how lame it is to pretend your someone else on the blockchain? Very very lame! I wonder how your wife, if thats even true fells about you using her avatar, and typing the stuff you are.
Idk @kalivankush, maybe it would have been a good idea to come in quietly. Hang out in the Discords and Communities. You might have seen that they all have their rules and etiquettes. It’s hard to grow a project without them. Now it’s gonna be damn hard to grow your project, if at all. You would have to get the word out and that’s hard when your posts are hidden from low ratings. Maybe next time don’t escalate to “crazy-hate” so quick.
Well, somebody forgot to speak on 3rd person...
First was your husband the one talking on the channel, now you say "I called them"?
Who is it after all?
I know what you mean. Im pink and those damn Hwite Supremes always bully me too. 😭Lol
Look, Hive is probably the only place online where no one gives a damn about the color of your skin.
I know youre new here and you brought over the idea from mainstream media thats its ok to be racist against white people, to blame white people for everything but that does not fly here.
Here, wer all equal and we all work together to better each others lives.
Your and your husbands attitude has no place here.
Im not even going to comment on the OCD thing.
that is just a nonsense, why would you call out race on any issue whatsoever? if you are trying to make yourself the victim, you are getting an E for effort and an F for fucking it up... there is no way you hope to be taken seriously when out of spite and after you burned your bridges, you come out to shit talk people... this is not something i would expect any normal person to do, trying to bait this into some race thing is just ridiculous... we are all just ones and zeros... you talk about white people like they had no right to be or talk or express themselves, based on skin alone that is the very definition of a racist person...
Im in a place with no taxation on crypto and far from the reach of the feds, grow up... you a disgrace and keep disgracing yourself with your racist anti white propaganda and playing the victim does not suit you...
Ohhhhhh I bet you anything somebody's about ready to get legally robbed by a lawyer. Thank you very much for the free $25,000 years your papers filed I need another $25,000.
Oh wait you spent it all. Such a shame I guess legally I can't represent a broke person...
Yes i know, if i was black i could use like you do, but im a true person not really like you at all, nothing to do with being red white or black, more about not being scummy on my dealings with others...
you call it what you will, saying something like this "and no one cares if White people are insulted anyways, lol" shows how low you are willing to go... the fact you refer to people by their color and not handle or name shows also what you are all about, but since you think you are being blunt, here have some of you remedy. You went on OCD trying to pimp some rewards, you got sidelined and called out, you got pissy and salty and now this is what you did, you came here to the public trying to stir some shit up, hoping this will make you famous, but it wont, this is not american media, and you are no kardashian, so in not that much of a time frame, i am sure you will fade away and then pop up with some new fake spammer profile, and i will be right here, waiting for your spammy head to come out of the water to smack it again down to oblivion... pressure and money really reveal the worst in people...
I just want to say... toddlers are very receptive to knowledge and their brain and ideas can be molded... this one here isn't a toddler but a rare case of eating feces for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for far too long... feces doesn't ensure mental growth
I'm really trying not to be offensive here... really
No one is threatening downvotes. Quit making stuff up. I downvoted this post because it is blatant lies. He is the racist one and that is why he was banned from the server.
The crab bucket won't allow 1000usd posts, anymore.
The only way a 1000htu post exists is if all the people it takes to add up to 1000htu receives nothing.
All those people that would have gotten a few pennies get nothing, but a precious 'popular' person can crow about how pretty they are, as if.
When whales vote, redfish get screwed out of any rewards at all.
Your curation gang would do the same thing, but it doesn't look like you will be getting much positive attention after this.
Let alone building a gang that agrees with you.
You sound well versed in the law, can you tell me what evidence you have to support your claim that 'the law' applies to me simply because you and your friends say that it does?
Me and you can't get together and vote our rules onto other folks, what gives whomever you would like to implicate the right to do something that nobody else can do?
They call me a criminal if I force my rules onto others.
Americans, etc, are under the Jurisdiction of Congress,
If me and my friends can't write our rules down and force them onto you, how is it that me being in a specific geographical area somehow conveys this 'right', that nobody else has, to you and your friends?
@fromdrab2fab bring some popcorn... got some serious learning for you here, for future reference on your law degree, and worthy of study maybe by that friend from the psychology field, a living proof example of what i told you about double standards and entitlement.
Look, I was on the channel, I saw how everything went down alright?
So let's not get lost in that soap opera of yours and let's keep the facts straight and true
What you wrote is a lovely soap opera tho
Awe... Is your vajayjay producing cottage cheese? Are you gonna use $25,000 to sue us all? Bet that lawyer takes the money files the papers then demands another $25,000 and you are broke and can't even take step 2.
I just want to understand how can someone call a group of people from a lot of different places, cultures, ethnicity, believes, gender and whatever else more: RACISTS, for any other reason then the racism itself. People don´t need to like you, or your husband just because you say so or otherwise they will be called racist/white nationalist, or whatever. All they need to do is RESPECT YOU for all of those I mentioned. I haven´t got deaper in this issued with you yet, but as far as I have seen you´re just gibberishing throwing really serious accusations over people just to make yourself a victim, trying to get someone to really disrespect you so you can get something. A peace of advice? Dont try it.
Personally what I see in this post is a bunch of monkeys throwing pieces because they're extremely upset. And I'm one of those monkeys!!!! Aeronautical feces for all!!!
OCD is a bedrock of the Hive Block Chain, and you are not going to get anywhere spamming tags. I suggest you do a little research if you are to succeed here.
Generally we are friendly here, although anything in discord should be taken with a grain of salt - are you considering suing discord for allowing people to make their own channels? Even white people?
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
I do not like ways those mods behave. But calling them white nationalists is nothing but propaganda and racism. Simple as that. And it only shows how arrogant you are.
No point in continuing to comment. They are most likely gone or have created a different account to start over and try and scam the community with their shit token.
Ironically this person has no idea what they're talking about. And of course when you get $25,000 what you should do is sue somebody so that you can get even more money.
Unless of course your cases so frivolous that no court in the world would take it.
How does this relate to race baiting? Should the government step in and protect you from mean people on discord? And how does this relate to Hive blockchain?
Luckily you can't bully your way into Hive through being a victim like you can on mainstream social media. Many have tried, all have failed.
The last person that tried didn't understand we were a decentralised community and tried petitioning people with the largest stake, but then realised very quickly, (and probably harshly) about 95% of us here support free choice. In short that means you can be a complete dick and then the community will decide whether to exact justice or tolerate.
There is no removal of accounts or anything like that here -- people essentially do as they please. And, unlike mainstream social you can't just make sweeping statements here about white people (or any colour for that matter), it's just not acceptable - have you noticed that 100% of the commenters have never once said anything about your race? There's a reason for that...
.... Mostly because around 85% of this blockchain is non-white, and that includes the uber-whales.
My mentor is a Mexican, My Pakistani friend just passed me in crypto wealth, go figure. Your assumptions are baseless.
The only way to make it here is through sheer competence and hard grit. And there's one thing I've realised is that the race grifters love the free rides and the "making the numbers" -- but you'll find zero of that here sadly.
You do realise that OCDB is a multi-million dollar project right? That 25k wont go far.
It's going to be an uphill ride from here for you sadly!
A comment worth a post!
Cheers man! Always appreciated your calm and honest attitude.
Damn! That was a super nice upvote. Thank you. Things like this really make me want to get back into writing again. I never did it for the rewards, only for the recognition and perhaps a little bit of validation :)
Today, I feel validated lol. Thanks man!
Fire... Straight fire!!!
Get them!!!!!! Yeah man
The Ironic thing is -- I usually get excited when new tokens come to hive and try and make something of themselves and add something different to the ecosystem. I know how the struggle can be getting started when it's non-tech related. Fashion & Beauty is definitely something I'd have put a few stacks down on.
And when I make big purchases.. other people follow.
So.. like.. epic shooting the foot moment.
Epic self destruct. No better way to self sabotage and completely screw the image of your movement and token.
Well the money they put into this... Helps all of us even though they shit the bed.
I'd have to say this is pretty much like shooting yourself in each hand and each foot. LoL just wow.
hard not to agree with your statement @raymondspeaks
Court case? Are you suing Hive, OCD or just the mods?
Can you also sue @trumpman? He's white but he's also my nigga.
Might get us some media attention, and @trumpman can handle the heat, that's for sure. It might be easier to offer them trumpman just so they can get their lawsuit off the ground 😅
You know what they say, ain't no such thing as bad publicity or something like that. 😆
I identify as a lawyer these days. Bring it on!
Following orange bad man. Wish he didn't get election frauded.
This makes me want to come out of Hive retirement!
Omg .. you kills me!!! That's epic!!!! Thank you!!! I love that!!!
Oof, proper African laying down the law.
This is the funniest post I've read in a while. Thanks for the laugh.
Wow. This entire post is just full of victimization. And allegations.
And who cares if white people are threatened? Well same as anyone that's threatened... That's not cool. White people arnt evil or to be hated feared or persecuted...
Why you perpetuate this? This is entirely your fault. And yuck. Not interested. Not wanting apart of your little makeup cult ..
And it's a good idea of you decide to take your special rights down the road and scam.someone else. We are all good. Thanks.
Racists arnt allowed attention. No wonder why you are so mad. Got caught being offensive.
Go join a cult. However I think you'd start running your mouth and get kicked out because you're just rude abusive person.
Enjoy Facebook! I'll make sure to continually throw down votes your way. And I'll be very happy to let all my friends know. And trust me my friends are richer than your friends.
So just wait nobody is going to want to listen to your opinion and you're going to get locked out of this platform and all the opportunities that it brings for the rest of human kind..
Sweet you gonna sue the entire blockchain?
Court? What judge is going to accept this? Not a single one. And you and your racist boyfriend deserve fakebook. By all means go all antifa and BLM.
By the way you are muted. And love this so much I'm gonna sign you up for autodownvote.
Thanks and love seeing the worst of the worst get karma. You was reputation 46 yesterday. Today 20... Lmao.
So what's with all this racial hatred? Why do you hate other humans for the color of their skin? If they hate you then you scream as loud as you can. But when you do it it's allowed?
Some bullshit. And total ignorance. And downright blatant racist.
Hatred over skin pigmentation? You arnt worthy of respect. Kick rocks. You and your boytoy.
Lol. Thanks for the laugh. Btw you know how lame it is to pretend your someone else on the blockchain? Very very lame! I wonder how your wife, if thats even true fells about you using her avatar, and typing the stuff you are.
Your a douche and your twat produces cottage cheese. That beauty token? Doomed. Go ahead. Do it and watch us all trade it and drop your price.
No one buys weedcash? Odd. I've got a ton of it.
No one uses hive? Ha! Funny.
And what a smart move pretend to be a woman and make a cryptocurrency. Then shit the bed and sue everyone.
Then be an ass and threaten people when those were the users of the cryptocurrency tokens.
Quick someone else make a makeup and beauty token and community. And watch you get muted and ignored.
Here is to the great pretend woman ever.
Or are you just a scam... I bet you were just some sad lonely person. Is that your real picture or are you stealing that too..
Idk @kalivankush, maybe it would have been a good idea to come in quietly. Hang out in the Discords and Communities. You might have seen that they all have their rules and etiquettes. It’s hard to grow a project without them. Now it’s gonna be damn hard to grow your project, if at all. You would have to get the word out and that’s hard when your posts are hidden from low ratings. Maybe next time don’t escalate to “crazy-hate” so quick.
MEH, only thing I worry about is spam.
Let us know how your wasting money turns out. Bet that lawyer takes your money and then screws over you.
good one hahah
Damn, maybe you should stay on a centralized network, like Myspace.
Well, somebody forgot to speak on 3rd person...
First was your husband the one talking on the channel, now you say "I called them"?
Who is it after all?
What about you? And takes a loser to know a loser...
Let us know when... And wow. You got a little money. Bet you blow that on your race war...
Totally gonna need more than that to begin...
And who's stupid enough to give an idiot like you money? Oh wait let me guess. Your stealing or robbing someone for it. Got it.
I know what you mean. Im pink and those damn Hwite Supremes always bully me too. 😭Lol
Look, Hive is probably the only place online where no one gives a damn about the color of your skin.
I know youre new here and you brought over the idea from mainstream media thats its ok to be racist against white people, to blame white people for everything but that does not fly here.
Here, wer all equal and we all work together to better each others lives.
Your and your husbands attitude has no place here.
Im not even going to comment on the OCD thing.
You must be one of those BLM commie dipshits that blame everything on the "white man". GTFO.
Your “husband” was the racist one.
Yikes. That looks really bad.
Apparently not to her tho...
that is just a nonsense, why would you call out race on any issue whatsoever? if you are trying to make yourself the victim, you are getting an E for effort and an F for fucking it up... there is no way you hope to be taken seriously when out of spite and after you burned your bridges, you come out to shit talk people... this is not something i would expect any normal person to do, trying to bait this into some race thing is just ridiculous... we are all just ones and zeros... you talk about white people like they had no right to be or talk or express themselves, based on skin alone that is the very definition of a racist person...
Im in a place with no taxation on crypto and far from the reach of the feds, grow up... you a disgrace and keep disgracing yourself with your racist anti white propaganda and playing the victim does not suit you...
Ohhhhhh I bet you anything somebody's about ready to get legally robbed by a lawyer. Thank you very much for the free $25,000 years your papers filed I need another $25,000.
Oh wait you spent it all. Such a shame I guess legally I can't represent a broke person...
Yes i know, if i was black i could use like you do, but im a true person not really like you at all, nothing to do with being red white or black, more about not being scummy on my dealings with others...
you call it what you will, saying something like this "and no one cares if White people are insulted anyways, lol" shows how low you are willing to go... the fact you refer to people by their color and not handle or name shows also what you are all about, but since you think you are being blunt, here have some of you remedy. You went on OCD trying to pimp some rewards, you got sidelined and called out, you got pissy and salty and now this is what you did, you came here to the public trying to stir some shit up, hoping this will make you famous, but it wont, this is not american media, and you are no kardashian, so in not that much of a time frame, i am sure you will fade away and then pop up with some new fake spammer profile, and i will be right here, waiting for your spammy head to come out of the water to smack it again down to oblivion... pressure and money really reveal the worst in people...
Damn. You are braindead xD
That makes zero sense
Again you point fingers and assume things.
Obviously your intelligence level is below that of a toddler's.
You might want to go have a conversation with a good psychiatrist. All of this racism and hatred is highly toxic.
Prepare for even more flags and even more of the community telling you to stuff it up your booty hole.
I just want to say... toddlers are very receptive to knowledge and their brain and ideas can be molded... this one here isn't a toddler but a rare case of eating feces for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for far too long... feces doesn't ensure mental growth
I'm really trying not to be offensive here... really
I absolutely can't wait to see you on auto downvote. I for one am not threatening anything. I'll be very happy too flag your racist content.
The entire community is laughing at you. Thank you for the blockchain joke today.
No one is threatening downvotes. Quit making stuff up. I downvoted this post because it is blatant lies. He is the racist one and that is why he was banned from the server.
Go ahead and bring them here. If they are like you and your husband, they won’t like it much.
@kalivankush suck my balls. And you will know my jizz on the back of your throat. And bet hubby is a baby bird awaiting his breakfast as well...
Hating on others for skin pigmentation is petty low and cowardly.
All these words describe you.
@americanorj se tu quiseres ver alguem mesmo burro de verdade lê essa vaca aqui...
You're a total liar too. Federal Express doesn't count...
And you should be very careful about the repercussions of your hatred of other people as well as your judgmental behaviors.
I can't wait to see your lawyer scam you out of that $25,000 and for you to be broke and then crying about how racist your lawyer was.
Lol amazing drama.
Sensational stuff
hilarious from beginning to end. This should be on trending.
We should have a reverse trending. 😂
I like that. Worst posts of the day.
That's actually not a bad idea at all! lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Absolutely let's have a hall of shame! I might actually even be able to write a proper garbage post...
Wonder if I could persecute my white European ethnic heritage? I mean I am half... Does this mean I can have an internal civil War?
gives a new meaning to the expression " being one's worst enemy" :D :D you guys crack me up
Hey half of me is offended!
Yes!! Haha
The crab bucket won't allow 1000usd posts, anymore.
The only way a 1000htu post exists is if all the people it takes to add up to 1000htu receives nothing.
All those people that would have gotten a few pennies get nothing, but a precious 'popular' person can crow about how pretty they are, as if.
When whales vote, redfish get screwed out of any rewards at all.
Your curation gang would do the same thing, but it doesn't look like you will be getting much positive attention after this.
Let alone building a gang that agrees with you.
Welcome to the hive.
Good luck with that.
Ok, big drama = more users, more power to you.
You sound well versed in the law, can you tell me what evidence you have to support your claim that 'the law' applies to me simply because you and your friends say that it does?
Me and you can't get together and vote our rules onto other folks, what gives whomever you would like to implicate the right to do something that nobody else can do?
They call me a criminal if I force my rules onto others.
If me and my friends can't write our rules down and force them onto you, how is it that me being in a specific geographical area somehow conveys this 'right', that nobody else has, to you and your friends?
View or trade
Hey @kalivankush, here is a little bit of from @antisocialist for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.@fromdrab2fab bring some popcorn... got some serious learning for you here, for future reference on your law degree, and worthy of study maybe by that friend from the psychology field, a living proof example of what i told you about double standards and entitlement.
yeah, I get the drift
Unfortunately "ignorance" is not a crime
And so is defamation FYI
Look, I was on the channel, I saw how everything went down alright?
So let's not get lost in that soap opera of yours and let's keep the facts straight and true
What you wrote is a lovely soap opera tho
Awe... Is your vajayjay producing cottage cheese? Are you gonna use $25,000 to sue us all? Bet that lawyer takes the money files the papers then demands another $25,000 and you are broke and can't even take step 2.
Hate has no place here.
I just want to understand how can someone call a group of people from a lot of different places, cultures, ethnicity, believes, gender and whatever else more: RACISTS, for any other reason then the racism itself. People don´t need to like you, or your husband just because you say so or otherwise they will be called racist/white nationalist, or whatever. All they need to do is RESPECT YOU for all of those I mentioned. I haven´t got deaper in this issued with you yet, but as far as I have seen you´re just gibberishing throwing really serious accusations over people just to make yourself a victim, trying to get someone to really disrespect you so you can get something. A peace of advice? Dont try it.
Personally what I see in this post is a bunch of monkeys throwing pieces because they're extremely upset. And I'm one of those monkeys!!!! Aeronautical feces for all!!!
Hi there! Please tell me more about the Steemit revolt and its connection to January 6th.
OCD is a bedrock of the Hive Block Chain, and you are not going to get anywhere spamming tags. I suggest you do a little research if you are to succeed here.
Yep yep and yep. Get them everybody get them.
Generally we are friendly here, although anything in discord should be taken with a grain of salt - are you considering suing discord for allowing people to make their own channels? Even white people?
haha that is a good point, i think this might be worthy another 25K
This looks like Drama!
I'm all out of fucks to give but you can have this PITY [
Is !drama back on line?
!PITY was a lesser substitute, imo.
Extra drama!!!! I should have dramafarmer come join the party!!!!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
dear @kalivankush
I do not like ways those mods behave. But calling them white nationalists is nothing but propaganda and racism. Simple as that. And it only shows how arrogant you are.
Yeah I've read enough not to, thanks for the easy decision.
Yeah, this is where I mute you for being delusional.
Actually I totally know the person who is suing Facebook Google and other internet entities.
They actually have enough money to cover this.
I love how you think that $25,000 is going to do something.
However you just lost entire support of the entire blockchain community.
I condemn your racist rants and encourage everyone to block you.
Your community won't go anywhere. Especially with all of this abuse you so eager to spread around.
After reading her rant here and the discord exchange, I was tempted to block her. But she amuses me so, I'll let it ride a little longer.
Hurry up I dare you because you are a bitch if you don't....
No point in continuing to comment. They are most likely gone or have created a different account to start over and try and scam the community with their shit token.
Ironically this person has no idea what they're talking about. And of course when you get $25,000 what you should do is sue somebody so that you can get even more money.
Unless of course your cases so frivolous that no court in the world would take it.
Actually maybe judge Judy would.......
How does this relate to race baiting? Should the government step in and protect you from mean people on discord? And how does this relate to Hive blockchain?
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.