The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and the Prophecies of Edgar Cayce

What are they constantly digging under the Sphinx and in its head, where they clearly see the traces of cement and keep everything secret so that we do not know anything about our ancient past?

Good thing there are books written long ago that know -
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and the Prophecies of Edgar Cayce:

"Deep beneath the rocks I have buried my spaceship, awaiting the time when man can be free.
Upon it I erected a sign in the form of a lion, and yet human-like. There, under the image, he still rests
my spaceship, ready to be taken out if needed.
Know, oh man, that far in the future, invaders from deep space will come. Then wake up you who have
wisdom. Take out my ship and win easily.
Deep beneath the image lies my secret. Search and find in the pyramid I built. Each is a Key to
the other. Each is a gate that leads into Life. Follow the Key I leave behind. Also look for the door to
your life will be I'm looking for you in my pyramid, deep in the passage that ends in the wall. Use your key
on the Seventh and the way down will be revealed to you.
I gave you my wisdom. I gave you my way. Follow the path, reveal my secrets.”

Edgar Cayce:

Ex. 5: What is the date of the actual commencement and completion of the Great Pyramid?
Answer 5: It was built for 100 years; begun and completed in the time period of Araar-aart with Hermes and Ra. Ex. 6: What is the BC date of this. an event? Answer 6: 10,490 to 10,390 before the Prince of Peace went to Egypt. (5748-6)
Ex. 2: Describe more precisely the contents of this secret room under the sphinx.
Answer 2: A record from Atlantis of the beginning of the periods when the spirit took form or when its envelopment in this country began; and the development of men in their incarnations; together with the records of the first destruction and the changes which took place in the country; with the residence notes. of people and their activities in other countries; and a record of the meeting of all nations or countries due to the events surrounding the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, along with which, what and where will occur the opening of the notes, which are copies, from sunken Atlantis. Because after the changes, Atlantis will rise again. It is situated as the sun rises over the water, as the line of shadow (or the sun) falls between the paws of the Sphinx, it was placed later as a guardian or guard, and which cannot be transgressed from the connected premises of the right paw of The Sphinx until the time comes when changes will take place in this part of human experience. Because it is located between the Sphinx and the river. (378-16; 1933)