Who is Metcalfe? and what is his METAcalfe's law? .... Does he LOOK like a Pareto principle?

in Say Anything3 years ago (edited)

image.pngblah blah blah while looking at this @geekgirl post I found the mystery of the brass rat / gold beaver and john metcalfe from @trostparadox and yada yada yada i remember this is one of our favorite things to discuss since the times of steemit!


Of all the popular ideas of the Internet boom, one of the most dangerously influential was Metcalfe's Law. Simply put, it says that the value of a communications network is proportional to the square of the number of its users.


so the Brass Rat is a symbol from some old class of 1927 MIT

and metacalfe's law is an old dot coom boomer coomer idea for how NETWORKS of users determines that shits VALUE maaaan

and its E X P O N E N T I A L !!!!!!!

so like the moooore people the more the MORe that babies value accelerates!



We ALSO love the PARETO Principle


The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the "vital few").[1] Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity.[2

so yeaaaah maaaaan

apply this to hive


did steemit want to apply this to curation with 80 / 20 split between author vs curation or curation vs author?


lots of old debates on these old steemit posst about metacalfe's law

lol i used to call it metacalfs law... its Metcalfe's law lol

so... i say we should implement another one of these old principle wisdoms ... from @mughat ... proof of profit ... hive engine should reward tokens that can prove a profit .... reward pools should reward profitable content and tokens with prices that go up.

metcalfe's law can also be applied to hive user's blog posts , we can find the most useful users and start giving them projects and form @hivedao proposals for more and more valuable project proposals

how else can you see pareto or metcalfe in hive? anyone got any fun examples?


lets get down to brass rats