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RE: Physicians also get sick || Healthy-Bees Week 1 [ENG-ESP]

in Healthy Bees2 months ago

I think this is common knowledge but some people seem to forget it all the time all. They tend to get annoyed when they go to the hospital and there seems to be no doctor available to assist them. But at the end of the day can we blame them? They tend to think doctors are immune to sickness.


In my country, Venezuela, one of the critical knots in health care is the lack of personnel. Most probably, when they go to the hospital, they feel neglected in their needs. We cannot blame the patient for governmental responsibilities. Prevention in health is the cornerstone of wellness and healthy living. But even though we know it, most of the population does not apply it.
Until another time. Health and Wellness !LUV !PIZZA

marilourCordial greetings @rubilu thank you for the deference of your visit and your kind reflections. You make with your opinion interesting and very productive dissertation to socialization. The great and powerful measures expressed as preventive actions in health, are characterized by being simple in their application, which should provide security in its implementation. However, paradoxically, since they are public knowledge, as you yourself express, they are forgotten or not practiced. Something as simple and applicable as washing hands is unfortunately not practiced frequently. #Healthy-bees

En mi país, Venezuela, uno de los nudos críticos de la atención sanitaria es la falta de personal. Lo más probable es que cuando acudan al hospital se sientan desatendidos en sus necesidades. No podemos culpar al paciente de las responsabilidades gubernamentales. La prevención en salud es la piedra angular del bienestar y la vida saludable. Pero aunque lo sabe, la mayoría de la población no lo aplica.
Hasta otra ocasión. Salud y bienestar.Cordiales saludos @rubilu gracias por la deferencia de tu visita y tus amables reflexiones. Generas con tu opinión, interesante y muy productiva disertación a la socialización. Las grandes y poderosas medidas expresadas como acciones preventivas y curativas en salud, se caracterizan por ser sencillas en su aplicación, lo que debería brindar seguridad en su ejecución. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, al ser de conocimiento público, como tú mismo expresas, se olvidan o no se practican. Algo tan sencillo y aplicable como lavarse las manos, lamentablemente no se practica con frecuencia.