Fighting Pollution with Healthy Habits

in Healthy Bees2 months ago

At the end of the day, just thinking about the health risks of our city makes me feel very bad. Recently, I saw in a news report that our country's capital is at the top of the list of the most polluted cities in the world. Reading the news made me feel bad and it felt like pollution has become an integral part of our lives. I myself live in this city, so keeping myself healthy from this pollution is a big challenge.

For us, who are low-paid employees, the matter is even more difficult. We work hard all day and then we do not have the luxury of going to the gym. We have to travel to work using public transport and often have to eat outside even if we do not want to. When we return home and think about resting our tired body, the thought of staying healthy becomes even more complicated. However, we have to live in this city and find some ways to protect ourselves.

Nowadays, environmental pollution is spread in everything such as various chemicals in food, dust particles and toxic gases in the air, pollution mixed in water and adulterated medicines. If I write more, it will become a novel. Overall, life has become difficult. But despite these problems, our lives have not stopped. We have to go out for work every day and walk for a living. But how to keep ourselves healthy in this polluted city is now a matter of concern.


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Our first task is to take preventive measures. Wearing a face mask while walking every morning is a good habit. After Corona, this habit has become very useful for me and it has become my fulfilling habit. It helps protect our lungs from dust and polluted gases. It is especially important for children and the elderly. Those of us who work outside a lot should take a good bath after returning home instead of lying in bed to wash away the polluted particles accumulated in the body. It is also important to be aware of our diet. It is better to avoid street food. Try to eat homemade food, where fresh and clean ingredients are used. Although it is difficult to get adulterated food, products bought from local farmers can be somewhat safer. Moreover, drinking plenty of water helps to remove toxins from the body.

There is no substitute for exercise to keep the body healthy. However, exercising outdoors in a polluted environment can be harmful. So, do some simple exercises indoors like yoga or stretching. Stretching helps to eliminate many diseases in your body. These not only keep the body healthy but also improve mental health.

Another important thing is mental health. Spend time with family and friends to get rid of the polluted environment and various stresses of life. A good environment reduces mental stress and keeps the body healthy. Moreover, try to spend some time in nature. When you go somewhere outside the city, fresh air and green nature are good for both our mind and body.

Many of us think that pollution is an overwhelming problem. But this is not entirely true. Each of us has an important role to play in building a pollution-free city. We have to take our own responsibility without depending on the government and local administration. Staying healthy in this polluted city may be difficult, but not impossible. With proper care and awareness, we can keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy.


Insightful post! Your practical tips on masks, hygiene, homemade meals, and mental health are crucial for urban living. Individual efforts, combined with collective action, can indeed lead to a healthier city. Great awareness!