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RE: Physicians also get sick || Healthy-Bees Week 1 [ENG-ESP]

in Healthy Bees10 days ago

Your bushstrokes of health and wellness are simple but effective measures to protect against nosocomial infections which are measures often overlooked either ignorantly or consciously. Staying away from surfaces including where people rest hands or bodies remains consciously embedded in my subconscious, equally counselling those people in my company to stay clear off.

The rigors of medical school truly made us clear less about our health and diets, making us focus on the goal and giving less importance to the bits that equally contribute to our overall health.

Truly, the decision for good health lies majorly in our hands, a choice we have to wake up everyday to ensure is our resource for everyday living.

Thank you for your indepth share of knowledge. Have a pleasant week ahead


Thank you for your thoughtful contributions, we fully agree. Health and wellness !LUV

marilourWelcome to knowledge sharing colleague @jjmusa2004. How difficult it is to raise health awareness. Health prevention is nourished by simple but effective actions. But I don't understand why it is not often practiced. For me the undergraduate years were exhausting and stressful, many teachings. #Healthy-bees

Gracias por sus reflexivas aportaciones, estamos totalmente de acuerdo. Salud y bienestar .Bienvenido al intercambio de saberes colega @jjmusa2004. Qué difícil es concienciar sobre la salud. La prevención sanitaria se nutre de acciones sencillas pero eficaces. Pero no entiendo porque no se practica a menudo.Para mi los años de pregrado fueron agotadores y estresantes, muchas enseñanzas.