Rising Star: New purchases, packs and giveaway #8 (End 10/06 00:00 UTC) [Esp/Eng] [Sub. Eng]

in Hive NFTGame Latino4 months ago

Imagen elaborada en Canva / Image created in Canva


This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to english by clicking HERE

Hola, comunidad de #risingstar. Un nuevo mes, nuevas cartas para la colección. En esta publicación les comparto mi actualización semanal, abriendo sobres y comprando algunas cartas en el mercado. En el video encontrarán los mejores momentos de la apertura de los 120 sobre.

Antes de la apertura de sobres, tenía 11,183 cartas (1,104 cartas únicas). Ahora poseo 11,543 cartas (1,123 únicas), de los 120 sobres obtuve algunas épicas y una legendaria.

En la siguiente tabla pueden ver mis estadísticas antes y después de la apertura.

Skill From cards295,359312,13416,775
Skill From lessons1,799,906--

Gracias a las cartas epicas y la legendaria, la relación starbits gastados/fans, muestra que el costo fue de 45 starbits por fan obtenido en esta apertura. Un valor inferior comparándolo con el mercado donde podría obtener el fan a 50 starbits, sin tener el agregado de skill y cartas únicas obtenidas. Por lo cual fue una muy buena decisión abrir los sobres.

Aprovechando el buen precio de las cartas en el mercado, decidí adquirir la cantidad de 6,000 fans por un valor de 298,668. Además de incluir 7 cartas únicas nuevas a la colección con un costo de 187,000 starbits. En la siguiente tabla están las nuevas cartas únicas que compre.

R50 AliR63 SonnyR49 BethanyR27 FrankieR32 Rose PetalE145 VladR10 Touring Coach

Tabla de estadísticas actualizada después de la compra. Donde el principal aumento fue en la cantidad de fans, compre principalmente vehículos, las otras estadísticas aumentaron por las cartas únicas.

Skill From cards312,134312,884750
Skill From lessons1,799,906--

Para comprar las cartas, utilice Rising Star Utils es una herramienta muy útil para comprar fans, skill, luck y cartas únicas.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de ver este video y leer este post, de igual forma muchísimas gracias a los que me apoyen con su voto o su comentario. En la próxima publicación estaré compartiendo la apertura de 60 packs y actualizaciones extra sobre el estado de mi cuenta.

Anuncio del sorteo

5 ganadores de 20,000 Starbits

  • Dejen un comentario con la siguiente palabra:


  • Todo el mundo está invitado a participar. El sorteo se realizará el 10/06 las 00:00 UTC y el ganador se anunciarán en el siguiente post o video.

  • Los ganadores serán elegidos por una de las siguientes herramientas Picker o roulette

  • 🍀🍀🍀 Así que ¡suerte a todos los que quieran participar!🍀🍀🍀

  • Nota

    • No es necesario seguirme para ser incluido, pero el apoyo es bienvenido.

    • ⬆️ Upvotes, 📢 Reblogs y 💸 Tips NO son obligatorios en absoluto, ¡pero te estaré muy agradecido si se realizan!

    • Propina en 🍕 #PIZZA, 💖 #LUV, 😁 #LOLZ, 🦴 #HUESO es especialmente bienvenida y muy probablemente sea devuelto el gesto.


    @henruc, @supriya.gupta, @oskarl21, @subidu and @buzzking

    Gracias a todos por participar


    Puedes leer este post en Español dando clic aquí HERE

    Hello, #risingstar community. A new month, new cards for the collection. In this post, I share my weekly update, opening packs and buying some cards in the market. In the video, you will find the best moments of the opening of the 120 packs.

    Before opening packs, I had 11,183 cards (1,104 unique cards). Now I own 11,543 cards (1,123 unique), from the 120 packs, I got some epics and a legendary.

    In the following table, you can see my stats before and after the opening.

    Skill From cards295,359312,13416,775
    Skill From lessons1,799,906--

    Thanks to the epic and legendary cards, the starbits spent to fans ratio shows that the cost was 45 starbits per fan obtained in this opening. A lower value compared to the market where I could get a fan for 50 starbits, without having the added skill and unique cards obtained. Therefore, it was a very good decision to open the packs.

    Taking advantage of the good price of cards in the market, I decided to acquire 6,000 fans for a value of 298,668. In addition to including 7 new unique cards to the collection at a cost of 187,000 starbits. In the following table are the new unique cards I purchased.

    R50 AliR63 SonnyR49 BethanyR27 FrankieR32 Rose PetalE145 VladR10 Touring Coach

    Updated stats table after the purchase. The main increase was in the number of fans; I mainly bought vehicles, the other stats increased due to the unique cards.

    Skill From cards312,134312,884750
    Skill From lessons1,799,906--

    To purchase the cards, I used Rising Star Utils, a very useful tool for buying fans, skill, luck, and unique cards.

    Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and read this post, and likewise, thank you very much to those who support me with their vote or comment. In the next post, I will be sharing the opening of 60 packs and extra updates on the status of my account.

    Giveaway Announcement

    5 winners of 20,000 Starbits

    • Leave a comment with the following word:


  • Everyone is invited to participate. The giveaway will take place on 10/06 at 00:00 UTC, and the winner will be announced in the next post or video.

  • The winners will be chosen using one of the following tools Picker or roulette

  • 🍀🍀🍀 So, good luck to everyone who wants to participate! 🍀🍀🍀

  • Notice

    • It's not necessary to follow me to be included, but support is welcome.

    • ⬆️ Upvotes, 📢 Reblogs, and 💸 Tips are not mandatory at all, but I will be very grateful if they are made!

    • Tips in 🍕 #PIZZA, 💖 #LUV, 😁 #LOLZ, 🦴 #BONE are especially welcome and likely to be reciprocated.


    @henruc, @supriya.gupta, @oskarl21, @subidu and @buzzking

    Thank you all for participating

    Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leerme.
    Imágenes obtenidas del discord de RisingStar y
    NFTGame Latino.
    Imagen de la miniatura, intro y outro elaborado en Canva.
    Grabado con OBS Studio.
    Editado en Kdenlive Studio y Audacity.
    Música de fondo de Z8phyR
    Traducido en la herramienta Hive translator

    Thank you for taking the time to read me.
    Images obtained from the discord of RisingStar
    and NFTGame Latino.
    Thumbnail image, intro and outro made in Canva.
    Edited in Kdenlive Studio and Audacity.
    Edited in Kdenlive .
    Background music from Z8phyR

    Translated in the tool Hive translator


    Congrats to all the winners
    Please add me again.
    @middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕

    Hi, you forgot the keyword, it will always be published in the post. Without it you do not participate. !LOLZ🤣

    What do you call a marine mammal that should do something?
    An oughtter.

    Credit: reddit
    @middle-earthling, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99

    Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
    Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

    count me in




    Thanks for the prize, count me in again @oskarl21


    Count me in, please



    Hi, you forgot the keyword, it will always be published in the post. Without it you do not participate. !LOLZ🤣

    I hear Sasquatch makes bowls out of clay
    He's a hairy potter

    Credit: reddit
    @tirizard, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99

    NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

    Count me in my ign : @rtonline
    Good luck to you all.


    Hi, you forgot the keyword, it will always be published in the post. Without it you do not participate. !LOLZ🤣

    Why should you never play poker in the jungle?
    Too many cheetahs.

    Credit: marshmellowman
    @rtonline, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99

    NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

    woohoo thank you for the win!

    woohoo thank you for the win gav!

    please add me, thanks. @diochen


    I am in

    Hi, you forgot the keyword, it will always be published in the post. Without it you do not participate. !LOLZ🤣

    I was told that Microwaves were invisible
    But I can see mine on my counter.

    Credit: reddit
    @supriya.gupta, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99

    Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
    Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

    Count me in again thanks

    Count me in,please

    Thanks GAV
