Nuevo año para Claudio | Historia [ESP-ENG]


Claudio estaba celebrando el último día del año, como si se fuera acabar, tomó muchas copas de vino, que ya no sabía lo que estaba hablando, sin duda feliz por todo los trabajos que a un logrado hacer con su batería y por eso el año entrante eran para asumir nuevas responsabilidades y llevar su talento a la cima. Esa noche hablo de todo un poco y llegaron a su mente muchos recuerdos en especial de una chica que conoció en su última presentación, pero por descuidado Claudio olvidó pedirle su nombre y esa noche de los tragos en su casa, no dejaba de pensar y que seguramente se la volvió a encontrar en cualquiera presentación.

Esa noche fue terrible para Claudio y de allí volvió a tocar su batería el año siguiente, luego de unos días al recuperarse, no se acuerda de nada y lo único que quería era volver a tocar y que muchos lo reconocieran. Comenzó llamando varias ofertas de trabajo que le había dicho el año pasado, pero ya ninguna lo quería, contacto a su equipo de trabajo y nada que le salía trabajo y de allí la única opción era buscar a los amigos, pero todos estaban en las mismas condiciones, ya que era un Año Nuevo y todo estaba empezando desde cero. Claudio lo único que hacía era llamar y no dejar de insistir, ya que quería volver a trabajar.

Claudio was celebrating the last day of the year, as if it was going to end, he drank so many glasses of wine, he no longer knew what he was talking about, no doubt happy for all the work he had managed to do with his drums and that's why the coming year was to take on new responsibilities and take his talent to the top. That night he talked about everything a little bit and many memories came to his mind, specially of a girl he met in his last show, but for carelessness Claudio forgot to ask her name and that night of the drinks at his house, he kept thinking that he would surely meet her again in any show.

That night was terrible for Claudio and from there he returned to play his drums the following year, after a few days when he recovered, he did not remember anything and the only thing he wanted was to play again and that many people would recognize him. He started calling several job offers that he had been told last year, but no one wanted him anymore, he contacted his work team and nothing came out and from there the only option was to look for his friends, but all of them were in the same conditions, since it was a New Year and everything was starting from scratch. Claudio the only thing he did was to call and not stop insisting, since he wanted to go back to work.


Este nuevo año para Claudio se estaba complicando un poco y sus ahorros ya estaba comenzando a bajar, paso por su cabeza irse del país donde estaba para ir a otro y ver si podía comenzar a tocar y sacar nueva música, de tanto pensar lo que hacía era complicarse más y más, ya que lo primero que pensó es como lo iba a recibí en un país a la cual no pertenece y no conoce nada, además empezar desde cero para poder comprar su batería. Claudio descartó esa idea y solo miro como muchos de sus amigos músicos se marchaban del país, sin embargo, cada quien se arriesga con su vida palabras de su madre.

Meses difíciles para esta gran joven y le tocó explorar nuevas oportunidades de trabajo y una de esas era ser mesero, no le gustó mucho, pero al menos le pagaban, lo único que pensaba Claudio es que era un inicio terrible. Por ciertas situaciones fue dejando la batería, ya que el tiempo no era suficiente para hacer ambas cosas, por ende el dinero era una de las cosas más importantes en este momento para dicho joven.

En su trabajo actual, que era de mesero en un bar, en altas horas de la noche una vez más vuelve a ver esa chica que llamó su atención y esa misma fue la que recordó en su última presentación, Claudio se sorprendió mucho, sin embargo, tenía que continuar con se trabajó y esperar que su turno se terminara, la atendió con todo su cariño y no le quitó la mirada hasta que Claudio terminó su turno. Se marchó sin dejar rastro, sintió que alguien lo estaba persiguiendo y era esa chica para entregarle una tarjeta con número y de allí no la volvió a ver más.

This new year for Claudio was getting a little complicated and his savings were starting to go down, he thought about leaving the country where he was to go to another one and see if he could start playing and release new music, so much thinking what he was doing was getting more and more complicated, since the first thing he thought was how he was going to receive it in a country to which he does not belong and does not know anything, also start from scratch to buy his drums. Claudio discarded that idea and only looked at how many of his musician friends were leaving the country, however, everyone takes risks with his life, words of his mother.

Difficult months for this great young man and he had to explore new job opportunities and one of those was to be a waiter, he did not like it much, but at least he was paid, the only thing Claudio thought was that it was a terrible start. For certain situations he was leaving the drums, since the time was not enough to do both things, therefore the money was one of the most important things at this time for this young man.

In his current job, which was a waiter in a bar, late at night once again he saw that girl who caught his attention and that same girl was the one he remembered in his last presentation, Claudio was very surprised, however, he had to continue with his work and wait for his shift to end, he served her with all his affection and did not take his eyes off her until Claudio finished his shift. He left without a trace, he felt that someone was chasing him and it was that girl to give him a card with a number and from there he never saw her again.


Este año ya estaba terrible para Claudio y por eso no perdía nada en llamar a ese número que estaba allí en la tarjeta, resultó que era para una contratación privada y de esa manera Claudio tocará, se sorprendió mucho y lo único que tenía que hacer era prepararse para tocar en dos semanas, fue algo muy complicado, ya que estaba en juego muchas cosas. Acepto ese reto y de allí comenzó a prepararse y lo único que se notaba era felicidad, ya que estaba haciendo lo que más le gusta y poder disfrutar de una música en la batería.

Llegó el día y le tocó presentarse ante un gran grupo de personas y a lo lejos la chica que lo llamó estaba parada viendo su presentación, Claudio con toda la seguridad del mundo comenzó a tocar y cada vez las canciones eran más rápidas y se notaba que estaba dando un espectáculo de maravilla, logrando recibir muchos aplausos. Desde ese momento este nuevo año para Claudio comenzó a mejorar, ya que lo volvieron a contraer muchas veces más y lo único que le queda es agradecerle a esa chica por reconocer su trabajo y poder darle una oportunidad a quienes la merecen y se quedan batallando meses tras meses de un nuevo año.

This year was already terrible for Claudio and for that reason he did not lose anything in calling that number that was there in the card, it turned out that it was for a private hiring and that way Claudio will play, he was very surprised and the only thing he had to do was to prepare himself to play in two weeks, it was something very complicated, since many things were at stake. He accepted the challenge and from there he began to prepare himself and the only thing he could notice was happiness, since he was doing what he liked the most and being able to enjoy music on the drums.

The day came and it was his turn to perform in front of a large group of people and in the distance the girl who called him was standing watching his presentation, Claudio with all the confidence in the world began to play and each time the songs were faster and faster and you could tell that he was giving a wonderful show, getting a lot of applause. From that moment this new year for Claudio began to improve, since he was contracted many more times and the only thing left for him is to thank that girl for recognizing his work and to be able to give an opportunity to those who deserve it and are left struggling months after months of a new year.

Source 3.png

Post de invitación y carta del juego // Invitation post and game cards Post 3.png



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