Peer to peer transfers and encrypted communication

in Hive.IO Community2 months ago (edited)

Peer-to-peer market place

I've seen a few attempts to create gig market places similar to the well known Fiverr on HIVE. There's, which is still operational and has a classifieds section, and the latest one I've seen is called Open Genie, a platform that aims to connect folks who need work done with other folks willing to perform the work in exchange for payment in $HIVE or $HBD. The categories range from programming to design and copywriting.

This to me is one of the best and most compelling use cases for a blockchain ecosystem like HIVE. Users can not only interact, but actually do business with each other free from government surveillance or banks that charge high fees.

Why are we not using and promoting these platforms more?

These could even evolve into micro tasks in which large tasks, like translating a book, could be broken up into pages and performed by multiple workers simultaneously.

There's a bitcoin-based website called Stakwork that advertised this, but I haven't heard much about them lately, I'm not sure if they're still operating.

Encrypted Communication

Many of us have only read about it on our favorite social media outlet, but in case you haven't, Maduro's Venezuelan government foot soldiers are actually coming to people's houses and arresting Venezuelan citizens for talking about the bogus results of the most recent presidential election.

That doesn't need to happen. Today, users can create a free, anonymous Hive account that they can use to send encrypted messages to others. We can talk about Maduro all day long and even send each other memes about it without anybody being able to trace it back to us.

I sent this 0.01 HIVE transaction using Hive Keychain on my mobile phone.

As you can see, the message is encrypted and can only be decrypted by the recipient by using their memo key.

Useful? I think so.

A lot of us have not been in a situation where police come to your house for expressing your opinion on social media (yet). A lot of us live in countries with relatively stable currencies and access to bank cards and delivery services. But why wait until the world turns into George Orwell's Airstrip One (from 1984) to start looking for peer-to-peer interaction and encrypted communication?

I say we use them now

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Open Genie is an obvious use case for Hive, as there are many talented Hivers that will benefit from it.

Will check it out soon.


Yeah, it was released recently without much fanfare. It still needs some work, like adding more categories and making some buttons more intuitive, but it's a good start.

I already went through the process of creating a test gig, hired an Hivean, paid, and closed the job.

That's awesome! It’s great to see that the platform is already functional and getting real use.

Excited to see how Open Genie evolves.

@alex-rourke! @curamax Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @curamax.

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I've only heard of Open Genie once in passing. I checked them out and it kind of reminded me of Upwork. I don't think I've seen any other crypto related websites offering something like this, so there isn't a lot of competition. I think Hive should try to market it more to our users. There seems to be a lot of programming wishes, but it would be nice if there was a lot more variety as well.

Exactly! it's similar to Upwork. It was kind of a soft launch, they didn't make any noise about it at all. Don't know if it's because it's still being worked on. Like you said, there needs to be more categories.

I too love the power of the community we are building here and see huge upside.

I have seen people working together and transacting via the blockchain a little and haven't actually dug into Hivelist much or even heard of Open Genie. It really is genius and could take commerce and community to the next level by connecting the talented specialists here.

We have set up @town-crier as the Hive entity of our digital marketing company and have barely started to leverage that. I really should take the time to establish connections there as this community would definitely get the friend&family discount on Marketing and SEO services.

I had no idea that things were that bad in Venezuela and I suppose I can thank the blockchain for bringing it to my attention through you. Encrypted communication may not hold a premium value to me where I live now but I can definitely see the need and power of that for people who are living under challenging regimes.

I say we use these now as well!

Cool to see! just followed @town-crier, looking forward to what you come up with for it.


I am a little embarassed to say I haven't done much with that account this year as I am in sales and growth mode. I have had amazing success on the SEO side of things penning social reviews of our new clients and SEO clients. They love the content, discover Hive, and the SEO was awesome seeing as the post goes up on dozens of websites, which Google used to like.

I have to get my propeller hat on and see if the monumental google shift from ~feb (that punishes duplicate content) negatively impacts SEO. Maybe you have inspired me to get on that now.

Stay tuned and lets be missionaries showing small business how to augment income and attention using Hive. The mechanism is already there. We just need more people leveraging it.

The tech is improving all the time. Did you see INLEO shorts? it's pretty impressive. Let's spread the word to other businesses my friend.

I didn't even know about Genie and this sounds very interesting. I'm at work right now and I'll take a look when I get home. Hive is a huge platform and it continues to amaze me.

Encrypted communication is always important because we have wallets where everything can be openly scrutinized. I think we deserve that much privacy 😂

I think both are compelling use cases for the HIVE blockchain. I hope more people try them, use them and ultimately talk about them with friends so that more people know what's available here.

In Nigeria, citizens are arrested for protesting against bad government, not only that, people are killed too, so I understand. Venezuela is similar as Nigeria only that it's even worse in Nigeria.

I think that's why anonymity in the web3 space is a powerful too. I have done micro tasks and gigs and web2 before and it felt good, maybe we can try to promote ours here even better

@tipu curate

Wow! Nigerian brothers and sisters need to stay vigilant (and private). Better bring them to HIVE.

Thousands of them are already on Hive and thriving gor themselves

Unbelievable! We only get bits and pieces of stories like this, people need private, decentralized tools to be able to to transact and communicate it such dire situations. Fortunately, we already have HIVE tools and our Nigerian fam is already starting to use them.

Genie is new to me, just made a profile.

Awesome! You might land a photography gig soon :)

Haha, I don't see a lot of activity yet.
But yes, all gigs welcome!

Not yet, but I'm going to start posting some gigs soon and hope others will do the same. Open Genie might not be THE gig site, but it's a start and might kick off other initiatives.

This is good news my brother, I will open it soon, thank you for sharing knowledge that is very useful for hive 🙏

My pleasure, friend.

Seem like there is no freedom of speech in Venezuela
It happens in Nigeria too but never as worse as this…

Yes, it's sad to see, but at least we have hope thanks to Hive's freedom tools.

@alex-rourke! @curamax Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @curamax.

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