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RE: My life is so much better without my old habit of binge drinking alcohol

You've definitely inspired me to lay out my shit like this. It has to be healing to be able to open up like this and get it all off your chest!

And I get that completely, and that's why I try to stay so busy now..between work, the kids, the garden, and the new puppy I got my hands full. Now I got this going on in the little spare time I do have just have something of my own to do and work on!

We did just get some rather discomforting news yesterday, and while I am official 5 months sober today, I have to say this is the first time I've really felt the urge to drink. But I feel like that is a story for another time.

However, I fully agree smoking is terrible on your lungs! I still smoke cigerettes unfortunately, and haven't quite managed to cut back on those either, but I know it's all mental at this point, because I've been through the physical withdrawals during the few stints I've done in jail previously.

But yes, I do need to find a healthier vice for my smoking habit! I've heard good things about thc oil and infusing food and drinks, however, I've never personally tried any.

Thanks bro! I am so thankful to have been fortunate enough to meet you, and I hope one day we will be able to meet in person! Maybe you and @flowerbaby can show me and my girl some of those beautiful spots you keep posting about!