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RE: My life is so much better without my old habit of binge drinking alcohol

in Bee a Better You3 years ago

I'm happy to have a place to be able to layout my thoughts and past stories like this. Even better than others can find some enjoyment or betterment from my previous failures.

I know what you mean about caring about your own wants and needs rather than your friend's thanks to being under the influence. Drinking too much has a way of fogging who you really are and replacing your soul with something darker.

My parents are the best. They have been consistent my entire life and continue to be fantastic even today. I'm thankful to still be so close to them.

I enjoy wine a lot, but I have kept myself from ever becoming a wine snob. The taste is hard to resist. I could see myself getting into trying as many different types of wine as possible, much like I did with craft beer for a time. I'd rather not enable another outlet of boozing though, but I cannot refuse a glass of wine here and there during special occasions. That stuff is just so yummy and provides a warm buzz different from other forms of alcohol.


I love the calm feeling after one-two glasses of wine. And I really can't see a life without wine too, haha :D

But I think it is so important that everyone know how much they can handle, and actually think about how they act while they are drunk. It's not always easy to know either😅

We love what we love and learn when we learn 🍷