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You do not need to study the bible to know the truth of God.

From one who has said. They do not take offense and open to discussion. You turned to insults very fast. Not the way of the God you study in your Bible.

You come closer to God by how you live. Not by the words you read. The words you type say, you do not live by the words you speak.


I was not offended, and I'm still NOT offended.
We have right to disagree and to believe and to have our own opinions.

My article used Bible quotes as basis for my argument.
And I just told you that my article is for those who believe in the Bible.

Thus my point. You were argue I wanted to discuss.

Argument does not necessarily connote negativity.
Even the Apostles argued as recorded in the Bible.

Arguments is reasoning with fact and presenting your points logically.
Arguing should only make us understand one another better, not disunite.

Think Debate, discuss, negotiate. as opposed to argue. All of the others come before an argument. You chose to argue, an argument is one step away from fighting. debate discussions are not.

Think about the things you say to make yourself seem righteous. Your post is only for those who already believe. You discard more than you think. As for understand another better. You dismissed me. Your actions do not reflect your words typed nor the words of any bible I have heard of.

get your house in order before you preach.

Okay. I get your point.
I'm sorry for saying my article is only for some certain kind of people.

And I'm no better than anybody. I'm sorry for insinuating that I'm more righteous than others.

Please try and understand my point.