

Hello everyone, I am so glad to be here. I love sharing the word of God with like-minded believers and to everyone who will let Jesus reign in their hearts. Hope I am welcomed here?

Often times, one will tend to ask “why is everything like this with me?” it’s a regular question and some will even go as far as asking “why did I come to this world” or “why did I have to come from this country?”.
I ask these questions several times and I hated myself, depression overwhelmed me and I didn’t know what do and who to turn to.



I became so confused until I encountered two popular scriptures in the Bible that affected my life and everything about me began to change. These scriptures look so simple and familiar such that I tried to ignore. The first scripture is “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you… (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV).

For me, it wasn’t really convincing so I tried to argue and I said this was for Jeremiah and not everybody but this scripture kept coming and then it became very clear to me that everybody is God’s creation and he doesn’t Love some and hate some. Then I came across the second scripture that says; For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV).

God is a faithful and a just God, he does everything according to his will, we are his creation and he loves us, so despite what you are passing through he cares for you and he has a purpose for creating each and every one of us. None of God’s creation is useless it’s just that most at times the devil is always around to sow tares; God has reason for all his creations. Nobody is a mistake, there is a purpose why God created you.

Instead of asking rhetorical questions, seek to find the purpose you were created and why you are existing on earth because it is really necessary to know it; the man who invented a car had a reason in his mind before he made it, likewise a person who made electric bulb, the same thing goes to every human on earth.

The only way to know this is to contact the creator and he will definitely defined it for you. He has given us the manual (The Bible) that will guide us in discovering it, because every equipment has a user manual and The Bible is our own manual.
Remain Bless you.


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