Who Defeated Goliath: Having An Insight Into The Case Study

Who defeated Goliath?

Hello brethren, it's of great delight to share this wonderful insight I got while I was studying the Bible.
We all know "the story of David and Goliath" in the book of 1. Samuel 1:1-58.
When I was a young boy, one of the best stories I enjoyed listening to was - how the young David, the shepherd boy, the last son of Jesse who elderly brothers looked down upon defeated a giant named Goliath who was the captain of the Philistine army, trained from his youth to be a warrior.

As wonderful as the story was- there were important details I, my teachers and my peers didn't pay attention to when the story was always presented.
We only know that, What helped the young David to defeat the giant (Goliath) was thus:
•David was bold and courageous
•He was fighting for God. but can anyone fight for God?
•He uses a sling and the stone as his weapons
•He uses his experience of killing the beer and the lion to stand against Goliath and more we can add to the list.
All these may be true because we see them in the Bible but we have ignored the importance that makes up the whole thing.

Before looking at what helped David defeat Goliath, let us have an insight into who Goliath represent.


When we read our Bible, we see Goliath as the Philistine's giant and captain but it's deeper than that:
•Goliath here represent Satan(the opposer of God)
•Goliath represent a stronghold: remember in verses 16- Goliath has been taking a stand against the army of Israel for 40 days.

1 Sam.17.16 - And the Philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself forty days.


The story of Goliath when not rightly divided and presented misled some young folks and Christians into doing what they could know, fighting battles that were not for them, and doing some funny things that endangered their lives in the name of acting in faith.

2Cor.10.3 We are human, but we don't wage war with human plans and methods. (NLT)

Ignorance is the weapon of the devil in fighting God's children.
Knowledge of God rightly applied is the weapon the child of God needs to defeat the devil.

2Cor.10.4 - For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Although we saw David using "sling and the stone".
✓DAVID stood in God, the GOD in Him was the Greatest Giant, So Big.
✓He had a renewed mind that made him see things differently from people whose minds were unrenewed.
✓David Defeated Goliath with the NAME OF THE LORD(JESUS).
✓David Defeated Goliath by the WORD OF GOD IN HIS MOUTH SPOKEN.
The sling and the stone were just the end point of what had happened already.

1Sam.17.45 - Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in THE NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.

You don't defeat Satan with your skills, he is more skilful than you are.
You don't break out of his stronghold by fighting the darkness approaching you with physical strength and weapons but by realizing the Big God Inside you, by releasing the light in you.

Rev.12.11 - And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.

  • Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. (1John.4.4)
    John 1.5 - And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

He who must win the battle of life must have a calm and steady mind filled with the Peace of God(Only the Prince of Peace can give Peace) and rooted in the Knowledge of Christ.

Published by sirkirian, please encourage me to write more if this piece blesses your heart.
Thank you

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