Lord Jesus Christ, your will be done in our lives.

I hope not to ramble but would like to share some of what is going on here with us.
My oldest son was going thru a lot of stuff 3 years ago. He separated from his live in girlfriend, God brought him to a place where he was secluded and could heal. Since then he's been given custody of his youngest son and along with my youngest son, husband and I.. we've all come together as a family to help him raise Micah.
More backstory..
My husband and I lived in a neighboring town in this one little house for over 10 years. We rented but the people who owned it knew we were interested in buying. Needless to say our house was sold but not to us. They sold it along with other properties to a young man who wanted rental properties. Anyways, we moved. We was not forced out but God had other plans for us.
We bought a fixer upper camper and moved it to my son's driveway. And that's where we've been for past year and half.. Going on 2 years so that we can help as needed.
Yesterday, Ricky (my oldest) received a phone call from our landlords son. The lady we've been renting from passed away. The guy offered Ricky the house(unsure if he's wanting to sell the land with it or not. The guy is obviously hurting and Ricky didn't want to assault him with questions. ... Anyways, we're assuming he's wanting to sell the land too.
He's going to get the house appraised so time will tell.
I want to say right here and right now I'm thankful for the time we've spent here with each other and for the healing that's taken place over the past 3 years!
I pray God's will be done. Whatever that may be. Whether we can get the house or have to move.
I'll be honest.. my thoughts are all over the place. Everytime fear sneaks in I pray.
We are not rich (with money). As with most people we live from paycheck to paycheck.. But we are so blessed for what these past years have been and been brought thru.
I know God is in control. 🙌🙏♥️


Yes , God is in control and will come through for you

God will take charge and heal him