That’s a tough question. I’m sure none of us know for sure. Like Jesus reminded us, no one knows the hour or the day.
However, we are always to be expectant. Jesus may return at any minute. It’s a good reminder to have, knowing that Jesus’ return is near, and can be at any time.
If we know that he is returning this time next year or next month, how would we live? I’m sure most of us would live with much more urgency and prioritise more.
And based on the situation of things around the world, I do think Jesus return is imminent.
Thank you for the reply. Yes I agree nobody know.the day or hour but with everything that is happening in the world I really think it is near.
And yes I feel now is the time to even life more for Jesus and strive to be more like Him.
I am looking forward to the day that we will go up in the clouds to meet Jesus.