Welcome to church! Open Church is a weekly post that aims to be a place where Christians on Hive can hang out, encourage and build up one another, and reflect the love of Christ. The church is not a building, but is made up of people who have been transformed by God’s grace.
Each week I will be putting up a new post with a new topic or theme for discussion. But feel free to come here just to fellowship and be a blessing to one another. Whatever denominational background your from, or if you’re just curious about the Christian faith, everyone is welcome.
So feel free to share a link to your favourite worship song, share a word of encouragement, a prayer request, or introduce yourself.
Today’s topic is: Ask Us Anything
Whether you are new to Christianity, have been a Christian for a long time, or just curious about the Christian faith, this is your chance to ask anything related to God, Christianity or the Bible that you’ve always wanted to know the answer for. AMA usually means Ask Me Anything, but in this case, I probably don’t have all the ansers. So feel free to leave your questions in the comments below, and I’m sure someone from the community will try to answer it to the best of our ability.
I know when I first heard about Jesus and started reading the Bible, I had many questions. There’s probably many who are out there with questions too. So I’m hoping this can be a thread where anyone would feel comfortable asking their difficult questions, and we can be gentle and respectful in our discussions.
So what are you waiting for? Feel free to ask your questions in the comments below.
Other than the Bible...I'd love to know some books on faith that have helped you the most in your walk...
I'm always looking to add to my personal library :)
Excellent question. Like you, I love books. Here are a few that have really challenged me deeply.
Awesome, thanks very much...Planning on a trip to the bookstore this week, so need a good list :)
You can also read
You can find these for free on kindle and many more.
Awesome thank you very much!
AMA on anything related to Christianity (My Question)
Can the sinner repent on his own, or does he need God's influence to be truly repentant?
That’s a good question. When it comes to recognising sin, the Holy Spirit illuminates and convicts us in relation to sins we need to confess. And when we are obedient and in fellowship with God, and open to His voice, then He is more likely to speak and point out things we need to change. But the more we quench the Holy Spirit and ignore His voice, then the more dull we will be with relation to hearing His voice.
So the first step is confessing our sins. And 1 John 1:9 tells us that He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.
Then repentance is a 180 degree turning away from our sin toward trust and obedience towards God. So here we also need God’s power and grace to put off our old selves and put on the new self, dying to self and following Jesus.
Not sure if I’ve answered your question. :)
Looking forward to different questions. The Holy Spirit will help us.
Thanks @seyiodus for your contribution to the thread. Much appreciated. :)
It's my pleasure and I hope i can find more time to contribute the more.
You are right there. As Christians, we should be humble enough to ask a question in whatever ways we are confused but when we feel proud then we lose so many things and become ignorant of the race we are running.
I remember when I also gave my life to Christ how I struggled to understand the Bible and what Christianity entails but with the help of my Spiritual brothers and sisters, and with the help of the Holy Spirit who taught me more to my understanding, I was able to walk with boldness when trials come because I know Him and His words dwell in me richly.
Whenever we know the truth, it set us free and gives us that confidence of who we serve and Why we are running the race.
Shalom to you @nextgen622 and may God bless you abundantly for always making us remember the cross.
Amen. Thanks for dropping by sister. And thanks for your encouragement to the Christian community here.
Thank you too.
I am happy to participate in this,now my question goes thus:-
1. Does a Christian woman have the right to be angry?
2. If yes how well should she express her anger so that it won't show disrespected to her man?
3 If she has no right to be angry, then please a cogent reason should be attach with Bible references.
Happy new month all
Good answer and great advice. I too try to calm down first when I'm angry, and when my emotions are under control, then do I speak.
Without doing so, you might end up saying things you'd regret later.
I agree with Tom. It’s OK to be angry. Jesus was angry when He saw those in the temple buying and selling doves and treating it like a market place.
But we are told in Ephesians 4:26
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry
So The important thing is how we respond to the anger. Making sure we respond in a way that is honouring to God, and getting our emotions under control is key.
Thanks for the answer but I have some men say women has no right whatsoever to be angry, on the premise that women are to be humble.
So I ask again do humility means or entails timidity or because we ought to be humble as a woman, so we therefore have to suppress our anger and not even show it at all is that it?
Several times I calm down when angry and when I go to talk to the individual, he feels I had no right to be angry, can this be clarified? Please.
I’ll have a go at answering this. First of all, humility applies to both men and women. There’s nowhere in the Bible that instructs women to be humble without it applying to men too.
Philippians 2:5-11 gives us a good picture of what humility looks like. It is letting go of our right or position, and lowering ourselves in service to others. Jesus role-modelled humility for us when He became flesh and gave His life for us. So humility applies to men and women equally.
So humility is certainly not timidity. Jesus is definitely not timid but yet He is humble. 2 Timothy 1:7 says “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
Instructions around dealing with anger in Ephesians 4:26 also applies to men and women equally. Anger by itself isn’t a sin. But when we say or do things harmful to others out of malice, then it is sin. So Ephesians 4:26 gives us instructions on how to deal with anger.
There are passages that give instructions individually to husbands and wives in terms of attitudes and behaviors we are to have towards one another. 1 Peter 3:1-7 provides some good guidelines. Also Ephesians 5:21-33, and Colossians 3:18-19.
Hope this helps. @hope777 might have some advice around this too.
Thank you for asking. I agree with all of the above answers but I think to help you I will make a study and post on this.
It has a lot to do with communication. You must find a way to communicate to him so that "he gets it" He must understand that he has to validate your feelings and understand that you are hurt.
Look out for my post dear sister.
OK ma'ma looking forward for your post that will enlighten me more.
Much love💞💞
Wow this is deep.
Thanks so much, I think I am satisfied now.
God bless.
But will still want to see what ma'ma @hope777 will have to add on this
Tomlee and Nextgen have said it all. Just to add to it, make sure you let the anger out by overcoming it else it will keep piling up and hurt your spiritual life but don't let it out in a harsh way (just like Ephesians 4:26 say).
Simply means - make sure to talk about it later or at the present with being careful of words to use.
OK, thanks, I am grateful for all this answers
Hello @glotokens, @tomlee he is right anger is natural, imagine women when they have menstruation, hormones cause mood swings, but only with love can these mood swings be controlled. God does not want us angry, on the contrary he wants us happy, smiling brings happiness to our lives.
Excellent question @glotokens.
Thanks sweet girl
Much love💟💟
I want to know if other Christians think we are near to the rapture and the 7 year tribulation?
My answer is that we are always near to the rapture though only God knows the time and day. We should always watch and pray.
As for the tribulation, well, Jesus has spoken in Matthew 24. We just need to keep looking on to him.
Stay blessed, Ma'am.
Hey sister good to see you.
Thank you for replying and yes we should always be ready but if we look at prophetic events I feel sure that we are actually very near to the rapture.
I am feeling the rapture is near as well. We will not miss heaven by God's grace in Jesus name. Amen!
Good to see you around as well.
That’s a tough question. I’m sure none of us know for sure. Like Jesus reminded us, no one knows the hour or the day.
However, we are always to be expectant. Jesus may return at any minute. It’s a good reminder to have, knowing that Jesus’ return is near, and can be at any time.
If we know that he is returning this time next year or next month, how would we live? I’m sure most of us would live with much more urgency and prioritise more.
And based on the situation of things around the world, I do think Jesus return is imminent.
Thank you for the reply. Yes I agree nobody know.the day or hour but with everything that is happening in the world I really think it is near.
And yes I feel now is the time to even life more for Jesus and strive to be more like Him.
I am looking forward to the day that we will go up in the clouds to meet Jesus.