What Is a Perfect Christianity?

There are several misconceptions about what constitutes a perfect Christian. While Christians can strive to be perfect, a perfect Christian cannot exist. Achieving perfectness sets you up for failure and discouragement. It leads to negative feelings and self-esteem issues that Satan uses to tempt you to sin. He will whisper to you that you're not perfect, so he can manipulate you into doing evil things. You cannot be perfect if you think bad thoughts about God.

Jesus says that his heavenly Father is perfect. God is not a father to every human being, but is the father of all His children, and we are His special children. We have a special relationship with God, and the idea of perfection helps us achieve this. In the Bible, God describes Himself as perfect and holiness. In the Old Testament, God has declared that Christians are the "children of God."


The perfect Christian is neither introverted nor extrovert. This is the definition of a "perfect Christian" and is different for each individual. He is not someone who loves being on a stage and working with people, nor is he someone who spends all day studying theology in a den. A perfect Christian is someone who finds a balance and plays to his or her strengths and talents. The key is to find the balance between the two.

The first step is accepting Christ as Savior. This will lead to walking in righteousness. You will also be able to be forgiven for mistakes you have made. In the end, we are all human, and we will all make mistakes. Whether we do it willingly or not, God loves us and uses our mistakes for our own good. If we want to be perfect Christians, we must change. The good news is that you're not a "perfect" Christian.

Wisdom from above is pure, gentle, open to reason, and full of mercy. Some people struggle with this, but it's a quality of wisdom that Christians should strive for. Wisdom and self-control are two things Christians should pray for. The first begins in the mind, and self-control is the key to keeping yourself in line with God's standards. Without self-control, there's no way to achieve perfection.

St. John tells us that we can never become a perfect Christian, but sanctification is God's way of purifying our hearts and lives from sin. This is accomplished by the Holy Spirit in our lives. This means that we cannot continue to sin, but must repent and seek forgiveness. Our spiritual growth is not complete without striving to become a "perfect" Christian. However, we cannot be a "perfect" Christian unless we are born again.

In the first chapter of Peter's Letter to the Corinthians, he speaks to believers suffering persecution for following Christ, calling them "elect exiles of the dispersion." Peter emphasizes that these people will eventually be given an eternal inheritance in heaven. Moreover, he details the mercy of God in regenerating believers and the power of God in guarding believers. This is a powerful passage of scripture, full of the reality of divine grace.

Besides the Old Testament, Christians also consider the New Testament to be holy scripture. They believe in the trinity of God, which entails three persons in one. Originally, Christianity was an attempt to change Jews, but once the church opened itself up to the world, it grew rapidly. In other words, it will be a world of people living in many nations. Ultimately, this book is about the future of Christianity.


There are several things I appreciate about this post. The first is the fact that you stated clearly that perfection start with accepting Christ as Lord:

The first step is accepting Christ as Savior. This will lead to walking in righteousness. You will also be able to be forgiven for mistakes you have made

Another edifying idea you espoused is the fact that God is not the father of every human being though is the creator of all:

God is not a father to every human being, but is the father of all His children, and we are His special children

I have some reservation about your theology though. The fact that you Christ urge Christian to Perfection of Love as human can be on this side of eternity while you tell us that we cannot be. I do not think that Christians will strive for biblical perfection if they believe that it is definitely out of their reach.

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with the community