Creation Is Greatest Hope


Creation Is Greatest Hope

The greatest hope for all of creation is love, nothing else but, love in Christ Jesus. Love remains the greatest of God's command.

Just as we love for the salvation of our soul, we also must love for that of others, as we love to be comforted,
helped, loved in whatever ways of God,
we also ought to reflect the same for others, even unto those who pose to be enemies when viewed in the eyes of flesh. Our neighbors, in contrast might be people who considers us as enemies or even people you've not even seen in your life time just as I haven't seen you.

Love must be of heart and love from heart must be felt as having remorse for not being able to do more as a result of our limitations, I mean, a love that sacrifices cheerfully for others.

"Let no love remains outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another,for he who loves his fellow man has fulfil the law."[Romans 13:8]

Whatever we do have,according to God's given ability, we should give and reflect unto others. However,still, we all have one in common to give by one spirit, " prayer," for the restoration of souls from death and strengthening of the body of Christ. You have been restored, so also, you ought to desire the restoration of others, you have been restored,you also, ought to be strengthened. My prayer is your strength,your prayer is my strength, for we are of one body. When the body
of Christ is strengthened, all members of this body are strengthened all together, as we play our role functioning fully to bring about it's restoration.

Know that whatever we do must be done in God's spirit, anything done not in God's spirit is not done at all, I mean anything that does not comes from heart. One can pray but, not of heart, one can give according to his ability but still, not of heart. That which comes from heart is of Love, for love is of heart and love from heart is love in God's spirit i.e. God's will, not ours.

God love us.
God bless you all.