
When i saw this picture on a friends wall on facebook, it gave me deep thinking.
I ask again are you wasting away your life or you are Building your life?

What are those things you are doing, that you know its driving away your life slowly to the grave.
Are you spending money on drugs like cocaine, indian-hemp, marijuana, cigarette, etc.?
For how long will you continue doing this, don't you know you are wasting your life away?
The money you use in buying all those hard drugs if saved wouldn't you have dome something better with your life?
Why smoking away your destiny.

I see most people on the road behaving insane and I feel pity for them only for me hear that the individual was either into hard drugs and that which has resulted to his insanity.
Some the only child or son to the parent.
And he refuse his parents advice to go to school but rather spent it with the devil.

Oh or are you a married man don't be too fast to judge the single brothers, what of that woman you are keeping outside your home instead of investing in your wife and children, instead of paying your children's school fees you move around doing frevolent things all around what's your gain if I may ask? Will the whore outside give you eternal satisfaction, wills she?
Will she take care of you when you are old, wouldn't it be your children doing that for you?

Instead of you saving up your money to build a comfortable house, you prefer still be a tenant, please think twice, making your wife and children suffer from either insult, abuse etc.

Again i say please think fast and well, its not too late to make a u-turn.

May God help us, Amen.

I am



Bitter truth,
Indeed things we love most or are addicted to could be the very thing that is destroying our lives and making the hope of a brighter future bleak.
If I should look at the topic of your piece from another shade of life, then I may have been moved to say that what we can't take charge of at a tender age, we may find it quite difficult if not impossible to stop such acts or addiction.

Thanks for the share. Blessings!!!

Thanks for stopping by. I am happy that the post blessed you.