Our help comes from God: but it passess through men.

David in Psalms 121:1-2 lefted up his voice and cried

I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? Psalms 121:1 NKJ

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalms 121:2 NIV

Beloved brethen, we need to come to the conciousness that our help comes from the Lord God and He alone. Once we come to the realization of this, then we could bold say that it is not by our might or mind but through the grace that we access God's help.

I once heard one person sayin that God cannot do anything for him which he couldn't do. I kept on wondering what may have prompted him to make such statement but could'nt just understand. This person no doubt was a great politician and a reputable one for that matter.

After the statement was made, many pastors, went to him in the secret to beg him to withdraw that statement but he paid deaf ear to it. This prove and spoke volumes that this man had either misunderstand the above scripture or was sufffering from pride.

When that statement was made, it was just weeks to the commencement of an election in my state and he was one of the candidates for the election. Truth be told, this man had all the capacity and tecniqcal needs to win the polls. But as Go would want to deal with him, he lost the polls and a less qualified candidate took over the office.

Dearly beloved, I want to remind us all that we should trust in the Lord at all times and commit all our activities to him. Do not say that you can do anything with or without the help of God. Once you think that way, He would abadone you immediately.

I pray for you out there that God will send our divin helpers to us in Jesus name, amen.