21 Day fast and believing in breakthroughs (Day 4 - 8)


Not the Breakthrough I was expecting.

Well friends, I was told by an old church lady (you know the type) that said "The more you pursue God, and his will for your life, the more the enemy will attack you." I smiled and made some comment about God having our back, or something to that nature. Truth is, I never give much thought to the "enemy" as most of my problems are self induced, but recently... I'm starting to wonder.

Since the fast began I set out to write these posts to catalog the work he does in the lives of those around me, a reminder of sorts for the darker days. During this time my wife and I have been in sync with so many things related to @rhemagames and our goals as a company and a family. My son decided that things haven't been right and made steps to change his attitude and rededicate himself getting closer to God. No one is ill. Wife and I even got to go on a date, which doesn't happen enough.


Then the storms came and a tree came crashing down on our house at the beginning of this week. Puncturing the roof in three places. Oh, and the roof is basically brand new. But, God is good, the Tree was inches from breaking the kitchen window which was where my son was standing the moment it fell. Scared him silly, but he was safe. It also missed all the recently installed components (vents and what not) that were installed, so the cost of repairs are far less than they could be.

More on the tree in a minute.


The next day, before we could even do anything about the tree the wind really picked up, and "picked up" the fence in front of our driveway. Really! This isn't terrible, since we knew it was cheaply done, and needed replacing, but still. Moving the fence out of the way so the kids could get to school was a chore since it pulled the concrete right out of the ground with the poles the fence was attached too. My back still hurts from dragging it into the grass!


Back to the tree, and God's grace. I had planned on getting help from one of my friends and (Brothers in Christ) as the cleanup would require me to get on the roof and deal with the mess, but something kept telling me, not to call. I was glad that no one else was around, not only was it hard to find footing and maneuver around the tree but at one point several logs suddenly moved and came toppling down off the roof crashing into the fence on the other side of the house (not the one previously mentioned). It wasn't even where I was working! Had anyone been below it would have been lights out for them, for sure.

Bright side

Tonight is the second time our church is getting together outside of Sunday services to praise God and fellowship with each other. Though my personal fast has become more of a 20-4 instead of a 23-1 I'm still believing in his power to manifest in the coming year, even if we have to replace a few shingles from time to time.


Oh I have never gone on a fast that long. I only tried it for 24 hrs and it was great but maybe I'll try a longer one a few yrs from now.

And yeah, the more we move towards sanctification, the more we will get "attacked". Hope all is well with you all now.

We survived. It got easier once we made the small changes to avoid blackouts. It was an eye opening experience. I feel bad for not being able to continue blogging the entire 21 days, but such is life. And I got the word I needed so that should be enough.