Christian Dilemma: Should We Still Go to Confession Just For Those Venial Sins?

in Christian Fellowship6 months ago (edited)

Perhaps you'd think, 'Why in the world would someone even have a dilemma over "trivial" things like this?' I never thought I'd see the day I'd have such thoughts too. 😂 Lukewarm Christians would probably scoff at such a thought. I know because I was one for a lot of years.

If there's such a thing as smart-shaming, there's also what I will call "holy-shaming". Okay maybe it's better to call it devout-shaming? Haha. I dunno what's the best term here so just roll with me.

But wait, READ THE BASICS FIRST: For those who aren't aware or familiar with the Sacrament of Penance or Confession yet, read this: The Devil Rejoices Whenever People Do Not Confess To Priests. Or for non-Catholics, read this one: Non-Catholic Christians Also Confess to Priests or Pastors?.

Should you not know what venial and mortal sins are, read the details from Catholic Answers. If you've already read those two and know the definitions then proceed to the topic details below.


Why the Dilemma?

Let me tell you how mine started. My experience can be different from yours or maybe you don't have a clue too so I'm sharing this.

So around Lent 2023 I started doing weekly confessions to make up for lost time. (Spiritual renewal happened and the rest is history.) Yes folks, I stopped confessing for many years after I graduated from a Catholic high school. (That's a story for another day though. Haha.) Fast forward to now I still confess as much as I can!

But of course why did I even start having doubts on confessing venial sins now that I'm a regular confessant?

⚾ Strike One

Last year, I remember I was in line for confession (at the back section inside the church) while a mass started. Before beginning the celebration, the priest said the sacrament of Confession could be availed by everyone.

Basically he said if you have any mortal sins, you can go to confession on the allotted schedule even while the mass was ongoing. I felt attacked and thought he said that because he saw me in line. In my mind I was like, "Are you saying I'm here because I, or we, have committed mortal sins?!" I felt judged even if it was just a general announcement that occasionally happened.

My thoughts then was like: "I thought anyone could confess anything, any sin...?" When he mentioned mortal sin, it was like he meant that's the only thing we should be confessing! Ah the ignorance of having lived a tepid Catholic life...

⚾ Strike Two

On another occasion, there was a time when I regularly posted about the need to confess frequently on my main social media account. I know people didn't do such because I was one of them until I returned to God. I started sharing regular posts about confession last year because I know how beneficial it is. (All thanks to the various Catholic exorcist priests and their online webinars, talks and interviews.)

Eventually someone commented that venial sins are already forgiven near the start of each mass. It's like he was saying there's no need for anyone to go as often as we could. That kinda dampened my spirit.

Of course I'm not an expert on Catholicism yet. I haven't read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). Haha. I should finish rereading the Bible first but I haven't been reading it lately. Uhmmm. 😆

Let's just say I didn't have solid evidence and conviction on what I was advocating. That's why I began doubting what I instinctively knew was right.


⚾ Strike Three

Well, the seed of doubt had grown in my mind. I was asking myself more questions since last month I think. Like, "Am I doing it wrong? Should I just stop going since I only have venial sins now? Do I just go to mass and take communion, whenever, aside from Sunday mass?"

That's when strike three came out of me. Since the doubt crept in, whenever I confessed, sometimes I got the impression that there are priests who think I should not bother them with venial sins. Now of course nobody said that ever, but my mind says otherwise. 😂 And we all know how the mind can also be the devil's playground if we let it.

I know how evil beings will stop at nothing to keep people from being holy. Almost every week I was battling my mind if I should go or not and it was getting tiresome! So to solve my growing "confession dilemma" I had to get answers stat! The fate of my soul depends on it!

When in Doubt, Seek the Truth!

I never had a doubt about confessing everything including venial sins until Strike One happened. In my heart I never thought there's anything wrong but ignorance is not bliss I tell you. When it comes to spiritual things and anything about God, it's good to know things and ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance. As Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 (NJS):

...'Scripture says: Human beings live not on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'

So when you aren't friends with any priest yet or you don't talk to the parish priest for any reason, we can check for answers online. Remember to always look for legitimate sources. And what better source to check than the CCC?

But of course we can also trust what priests say or write online. But for the still doubting Thomases out there... (🤦‍♀️🙋‍♀️😅 represent! Haha.), better check from several ones to be sure. 😆 Here's one of them.

Should We Still Confess if We Only Have Venial Sins?

The short answer is, "YES!"

Here's the long answer:

Confessing venial sins is strongly suggested by the CCC (1458). The Bible talks about confessing. There are even saints who advocated frequent confessions, e.g. Padre Pio, Don Bosco, etc. Why then would anyone be against something that can help us go to heaven?

The smallest sin can make us commit bigger ones so we must take care! God is offended by venial sins even if it's not grave or horrendous. As you know, even a really tiny hole or a small crack in the water tank or pail can drain all the water inside it.

God's love and mercy is boundless. If we don't ask for mercy, how can we acquire it? How will we be forgiven if we don't come near and talk to the person?

Or if you're afraid and having a hard time to even think of confessing, look at it this way: How can we confess big sins (mortal) if we don't start with small ones (venial)? If we only have venial sins left (daily) then regular clean up maintenance (confession) is important!

You know the story of The Prodigal Son, right? What better way to be like that guy than to confess our sins and receive absolution? Jesus is happy to dispense His mercy to anyone who asks. Read St. Faustina's diary and find out more on Divine Mercy.


Here's a short summary on the confession process:

  1. Do a thorough examination of conscience using the 10 Commandments and 7 Deadly Sins. Or search for guides available online.
  2. You can make a list based off it, write it all down. Make sure to include how many times you did each particular mortal sin. If already forgotten due to it happening a decade or so ago then give an estimate.
  3. Check the confession schedule of the church you plan to go to.
  4. Go and confess to the priest/pastor, tell him everything with a contrite heart. Listen to his words like listening to Jesus Himself!
  5. Pray Act of Contrition, be absolved, do the penance and change your life!

Once you've confessed all the big sins, you'll be left with small ones that you experience everyday. I say, it's better to be safe and confess venial sins regularly than be sorry and go to purgatory.

You do know the many sayings we humans have, right? Locally we have one that goes, "Mabuti nang sobra kesa kulang." Or in English that's, "It's better to be in excess than be found lacking." Same as other sayings: "Better late than never," and, "Prevention is better than cure." Or another one that goes like, "Reach for the moon, if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

Frequent confession is a recipe for spiritual success! It makes you stronger in fighting against temptation and sinning. Personally proven and tested, just like what online Catholic articles and priests says it would!

We will fail MANY TIMES, it will be hard to change ourselves, but we can get back up again everyday. Step by step, we will be purified, especially when we strive for it! Glory to God in the highest!

If our goal is to be sanctified and enter Heaven to be with God forever then let's make our soul as white as snow! (Matthew 5:20; Ephesians 5:5)

  • Be cleansed through the regular "soulwashing" in the confession box! (Although some priests do it outdoors in the open now. 😁)
  • Regularly throw away all your soul's trash. Let Jesus' "spiritual garbagemen" do their work!
  • Receive God's graces because of it!

St. Teresa of Avila said, "... one venial sin can do us greater harm than all the forces of hell combined." And so, what are you waiting for? Confession time! Lezgooo! 💪

Again, it doesn't end there. After confession let's not forget to replace and control our bad habits! Self-discipline is the key.

Any thoughts, reactions or suggestions? Comment below. 😄



As a follow up to this, after frequent confession we must also gain plenary indulgences. More info here: What's Up With the Controversial Plenary Indulgence?