Ice, Ice Baby - Winter in Central Portugal

in Homesteading3 months ago (edited)


As described in Winter - Wee mice meeting their demise, Winter suddenly hit (Central) Portugal, days ago.

As a result, keeping the house warm and having plenty of firewood is now a priority ( where, up till recently, we managed to make do with harvesting smaller amounts, taking down dead trees and collecting branches here and there).

It was a process of several days, going to locals to ask for it and basically being told "come back tomorrow", several times, while at least being provided, twice, with smaller amounts ( one wheelbarrow ), to not freeze to death. We also received some cabbages, a huge pumpkin and 12 eggs, straight from these people's land/homestead.

Long story short, this morning, when @clareartista and I least expected it and were actually talking about going back into town once again to ask if the firewood could/would be delivered today, Clare heard the honking of a car and we discovered that a pickup with 1.5 cubic meters of wood had arrived.

The next couple of hours, Clare and I moved the firewood from the garden up to the house ( both inside and outside ) and Clare piled it up nicely.

Right now, we are enjoying a cosy fire in a super toasty living room.

Let me leave you with a bunch of pictures that I took this morning and afternoon.

It's time to Netflix and chill.

Stay warm and cosy, wherever you are
unless you like the cold









Mmmmmmmm: feels SO good to have had the fire on all day - and to have ample wood to do this again tomorrow! Heaven 😍🥰😇🤩 having the best kind of man by my side, providing all that we need to be happy, healthy and fulfilled!! ☺😚😙😘😄

You both are handling the winter well. The truckload of firewood was a miracle you desperately needed and you two are certainly thankful it came. At least the fires will keep the house warm and cozy and sleep will be sweet. Thanks for writing and have a great day.

its freezing so much there and we are at same latitude!

im happy you got your woods, so you can stay hot for a while

Getting crispy indeed.
while I get most of my firewood from Olive prunnings, I also complement with fallen branches, trees etc.
keep warm 🔥🔥🔥

while I get most of my firewood from Olive prunnings,

Nice one!
That doesn't really work for us, with only a handful of olive trees on our current land.
Definitely a thing @clareartista and I keep in mind for our future property ( a diversity of plenty of mature trees )

keep warm 🔥🔥🔥

E vice versa!

I like your pictures more and more

It looks like you are enjoying yourself. I spent a few minutes looking around Google maps for you last week to teach some of my elderly students how to use Google maps

It is very cold so keep yourself warm, wood is a very necessary thing at this time, a pile of wood in front of the house, very good. There is also joy in sitting in front of the stove during winter. We can see sun light in your photos , it gives you vitamin D and warmth. The photos are very beautiful. Amazing

Ow dude i had no idea it could get so cold there. Good wood fire stash to get through it though indeed!

And yay..samen is leuker!!

This country is much more beautiful and it is Ronaldo's country and I have the same wish that one day I must visit this country with my friends because time is much more beautiful when you go with friends.

Oh make sure you keep your surroundings warm so that you both won’t feel too cold
Have fun!

Oh it has gotten cold here too, frosty in the morning and I have been
struggling to keep my home warm. Got a oven now, just need a heater, oh and a new laptop. Endless isn't it. Big love to you both xxxx