The beauty of nursing: Tatashi a brand hot taste of pepper.

in Homesteading2 months ago

Hello dear homesteaders and agriculturist, happy weekend and with a little touch of a month end vibe, the year is fast approaching it's end and so the weather is changing. in this part Africa specifically West Africa, the dry season is slowly approaching as the rain over here is slowly ending. Dry season over here comes with what is known as hamathan whereby plants, animals and humans will be hydrated. This period comes with a severe cold, dusty clown and total dryness, and so all agriculturalist, gardeners and

As an agriculturalist or a farmer, you agreed with me that this moment is one of the most tough moments after pest attack because you have to secure and improvise on how to provide water to the plants and animals as the case maybe.
The Hamathan period can make plants and animals to die and riot in early graves before harvest if not properly cared for. This is the period where rainfall is a prayer point and not just day to day sun.

I see myself engaging more on gardening plants and nursing them with a different and developed method by me. From a friend who came back from a neighboring state, you believe with me that those in the western part of Nigeria are known for their juicy taste of hot pepper in the difference meal they have.

A friend who just returned from Ekiti state brought back some hot type of pepper, and over there, it's called "tatashi" I needed to multiply this type of spicy and so I got some used foaming egg crate filled with a mixture of loamy soil, sawdust, and animals waste. I bisected the mother pepper inorder to get out the white seeds. I placed each of them on the egg space allowing for space.

Planting fresh plants or seedlings is not advisable because of the heavy dryness and lack of rainfall but some people take the risk of doing that and later panic about dying seeds on the ground germinating.

I chose to water my growing pepper seedlings twice and apply the animal waste every five days intervals and I can see the great improvements in my in them starting from the green color of the leaves to the fast and healthy growth.

I don’t need chemical fertilizer to keep my plants growing as the chemicals may be toxic to our health that’s why I always go with animals' waste and water. By doing this the risk of getting sick after consuming my produce is reduced and the original content and nutrients are supplied in rich quantities such as minerals, vitamins, protein and even carbohydrates in their perspective ratio.

When doctors advise us to eat fresh foods, they don’t mean raw food but food with healthy supplements complete and free from diseases.
And when you adhere to these instructions the chance of being sick is very far.

I wish all of you good luck on your weekend anticipation.
Thanks for visiting my post. Please do visit again!
Stay well and keep engaging in homesteading and garden work.


The plants look very fresh. Kudos to the constant watering and manure addition.

I hope they get transplanted to a fertile land. If not, let the addition of manure be on a constant note

Sure I'm looking at next week to transplant it and the manure will continue as well bro

It nice to know you took cultivation of the species, you are helping to produce fresh vegetables for your country.

Yes my very good friend
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