Hello everyone in the inevitable homesteading community. How are you all doing? The weather over here it quite cold and as I said in my last post it's been raining but I still try my best to work eventhough. Yesterday morning at my grandpa's farm we were able to harvest some tubbers of yam even though it isn't that much he only cultivated them for family purposes not for sale.
Yesterday went we finished the harvest I noticed the yams were quite different from each other I saw one look lively the other looked dull then I didn't hesitate to ask him why,he told me the yams were of two kinds one was good for making pandoyam and the other was good for making just ordinary yam. This moment I learnt something I have never learnt before. Yam is also one of the tubber crops the farmers in Nigeria cultivate the most,its one of the most consumed food in Nigeria and still farmers gain alot after the harvest,they yams are taken to market and then sold at handsome prices.
I must say the uprooting of the yam from the ground was pretty hard I almost gave up and told grandpa I wasn't doing it anymore but it was my first time I was so curious to see how yams are been harvested.
He mentioned some difficulties he faced while the yams were germinating.
He said rodents destroyed some of the yam before they even finished germinating. They reduce the quality of crops harvested and it makes the price reduce this brings about loss to the farmers.
Invading of thieves
He also talked about thieves steal crops.This is common in ever aspect of the country here. People just barge into farmers farmland without the farmers conscience they steal alot of crops this makes the farmer to run at loss
Farmland selection
He said this is very important. You have to cultivate on a very fertile soil so that the crops can germinate well when the crops germinate well there will be bountiful harvest that season.
It's look so good
Hehe thanks
Ground potatoes🥔 are good. In childhood I have seen my grandfather to cultivate them.Thanks for sharing dude.
You are welcome bro
Why is there double ## in the tag you used? You should check it once otherwise ,your post may not be visible to those comunity.
Okay thank you very much
How is it now?
Farmers are always strong Farmers are always cheerful I also really like a farmer. It is the result that we take from nature which is very good. Happy planting friends there, I hope you become successful farmers
Thank you very much. I will always try my possible best