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RE: Syrup, IFS, Screen, Mowing, Peas, Cabbage, Hike, NHL Cup, Fire, Grilling - Monday

in Homesteading3 months ago

Holy cabbages of greatness! They are beautiful! And as someone who is studying to be a mental health clinician, now you got you me thinking about IFS, cabbages, and grilled cheeseburgers. Awesome post lol!!



Checkout it's the site of the creator of IFS Dr. Schwartz. (Can't help but think of Yogurt from Spaceballs each time I say his name.) The system has been well developed now and I'm liking it, it's the only modality that has rung true to me, but there are few practitioners locally. I'm not sure if your course work covers it or not but it'd be a solid tool to have in your pocket if anything.


On it! Thanks for the link! So far in my coursework we have just touched upon what IFS and its history and practice, so I am looking forward to a more in-depth look.



If you want most or any of the books I have them and the audio books I can get to you. When I am digging into something I download everything I can find on it.

I just might take you up on that later this summer when I am done baking at SW and head back to school! (I do the same thing when I am on a bunny trail of investigatory knowledge seeking!). Thanks!😊

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