Syrup, IFS, Screen, Mowing, Peas, Cabbage, Hike, NHL Cup, Fire, Grilling - Monday

in Homesteading3 months ago

First task yesterday morning while it was cooler still was to make up a new batch of sugar syrup for the bees. I used the hot water carafe to boil the water first which didn't use the stove, then I boiled a bit more in it and put the water in the kettle on the stove. It took only a few minutes for the water to boil and I got the 8 cups of sugar stirred in. It DID take another 8 or so minutes for the syrup to boil but in all it took WAY less time than just on the stove and heated the house up minimally. I set the kettle outside to cool.


It took months for me to get in but I have an IFS counselor finally and had my second weekly session. I've read and listened to most of the books available on IFS so know the system pretty well now but doing the work was not happening on my own. The facilitation is what I needed to be able to start doing the work.

It was a shit show trying to get home. I headed north past the freeway on Argonne and there was a house being moved which took up all the lanes and would have CRAWLED up and over the hill. So I took Trent down and as I headed down Mission towards the college a train was slowly crossing Mission. So I and others busted ass to the left and back onto Trent which took us to Market and north to the bypass. I never saw the house parts so I either went way slower over all or faster.

Once home I finally had to change the screen protector on my phone. In a miracle this one has lasted me nearly 2 years, which for me is incredible as rough as I am on my stuff.


It wasn't too hot yet so I grabbed the mower and hit the front of the studio and along the driveway.


The area below the house by the boys' play area is so sparse and interspersed with wild strawberry and the purple flowering plants. I need to wait until the flowers bloom before I can mow down everything.


I have 3 rows of peas going and 2 of them are producing now. I got 3/4 of a pound of them and took them to the house and got them in the fridge to have with dinner.


Then I picked the rest of our early cabbage. These 4 weighed 8 pounds in total, roughly 2 pounds each. The seeds were planted in the greenhouse the end of December last year then transplanted to the garden the beginning of April, and picked now the end of June.


Mid afternoon I headed up the hill. At first it was because I saw a turkey that I wasn't sure if it was one of mine or not but it turned out to be a young wild turkey SUPER curious about my turkeys. It flew off to a pine tree then I hiked the fence line. I found a nice group of feathers beneath one of the eagle's preening trees in the pen overlooking the valley.


The Stanley Cup final was on and it was a pretty good final game. Florida managed to snag the win for their first ever cup for the team. All the fanboys dripping goo for McDavid, but he doesn't have a cup yet does he??? Best player in the world my ass.


I got a smaller fire going in the pit in the evening while the game was still going.


Then grilled for dinner.


I got out to soak for a half hour then headed in for bed.


Today is to be close to 90F so I will be closing the house up early to keep the cool in. The UEFA Euros are going still, I have to pull the dishwasher as the water inlet valve is leaking and needs to be replaced so I need the part number of it, I have weedeating to do, weeds to pull, thyme to pot up, plenty of other yard work, then I will figure out something for dinner this evening.


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Are you sure it was someone moving a house? It might have just been a Californian going camping to get the wilderness experience. Glamping has gone too far!

LOL! That would be crazy, hauling a 2 piece manufactured around to setup and "camp" in.

Holy cabbages of greatness! They are beautiful! And as someone who is studying to be a mental health clinician, now you got you me thinking about IFS, cabbages, and grilled cheeseburgers. Awesome post lol!!


Checkout it's the site of the creator of IFS Dr. Schwartz. (Can't help but think of Yogurt from Spaceballs each time I say his name.) The system has been well developed now and I'm liking it, it's the only modality that has rung true to me, but there are few practitioners locally. I'm not sure if your course work covers it or not but it'd be a solid tool to have in your pocket if anything.


On it! Thanks for the link! So far in my coursework we have just touched upon what IFS and its history and practice, so I am looking forward to a more in-depth look.



If you want most or any of the books I have them and the audio books I can get to you. When I am digging into something I download everything I can find on it.

I just might take you up on that later this summer when I am done baking at SW and head back to school! (I do the same thing when I am on a bunny trail of investigatory knowledge seeking!). Thanks!😊

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Looks like a good day, especially relaxing in the pool on a hot day! Those cabbages look great!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@generikat(3/15) tipped @flemingfarm

Those cabbages look fresh
You’re really taking care of your plants…

Better the plants are treated the better the produce they grow.