Rain, Fireplace Work, Wiring, Dentist, Last Potatoes Dug, Ashes, NMMiner, Pain - Monday

in Homesteading2 days ago (edited)

I woke yesterday morning to the sound of rain after a horrible night. Searing pain from hyper tightened muscles in my head made it impossible to sleep until the muscle relaxer finally kicked in enough.


Nice amount of rain that fell on the freshly planted garlic, so I didn't have to water at all.


I was out around the farm some in the morning but was only able to do some misc cleaning and organizing inside out of the rain. A couple really heavy down pours happened then the rain pretty much turned off.


The fireplace project needed to get moving so I popped the pipe off and got to work.


I am REALLY happy I got a new combustor. The old one is filled with ash and hardly worked at all. Around the combustor in the chamber was TONS of ash that isn't supposed to be there. I grabbed a putty knife and started scooping it all towards the vent hole and into the burn chamber.


I also did a bit of work on the wiring for the S19 that will be here eventually. I got the 2 C13 plugs stripped and coupled together.


In the morning I got the call from the school that R's face was still hurting him pretty bad. I picked him up and once home put some full strength Orajel on it which worked really well and had him a lot better off for the day. We went to town, picked up @stryeyz, then took him to the dentist. Seems that one of his 6 year molars is causing pressure and has some flesh that has grown over it a bit and is likely the source of his pain.


The clouds looked super ominous on the way back to the farm but nothing came of them, at least over us.


Back home I grabbed the C13 plugs and took them to the wire length and attached them to the end. This will be the S19 side and the other end will couple to the power wire by the gate.


I pulled the shade cloth from the greenhouse since I don't need shade for the winter.


Then after removing the plastic I dug the last two small rows of potatoes. It was only 4 pounds and now I have to try and move the chives over before the hard freezes coming.


That was how much ash was in the combustor chamber, and there is still more. I shoveled it all out to the pail while I had the shop vac catching the dust, but I found that the filter inside the vac needed new zipties to hold the filter on or else it just blew the dust right out the exhaust.


The #nerdminer #luckyminer #nmminer T190 I have going got a firmware upgrade that was borked so I spent some of my evening watching the serial output trying to catch the error and give to the dev. He got it figured out and pushed an update quickly that worked just fine overnight.


Got about 45 minutes soaking before heading in. I ended up waking up at 11pm to my face on fire again and it wasn't until after midnight that it had calmed enough for me to get some restless sleep. Pain is a motherfucker.


Shitty night again last night. I got the boys to school, the freeze dryer should finish the batch, will work on the stump and maybe drop a tree, and I have to really prep the farm for the freezes coming.


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Sounds like a rough day my friend.......
I don't handle pain very well myself,(still suffering from what apparently is sciatica)... hope the muscle relaxers did the trick!

Winters have come, now things will have to be managed according to the rain.