I was on the road before 4:30 yesterday morning heading to town for grain. We had a tiny bit of fog around the farm and then some whiffs of it on the north side.
As I headed down the bypass and came over the rise the low clouds and fog looked super cool over Hillyard.
The city is serious asshats with their traffic lighting patterns and I have so many complaints about various intersections, but that exactly why I have such a memory for each one and am now able to time them almost every time. At 5am some of them just don't exist to me.
The 4 barrels had a skiff of ice across the top but they were still slightly warm even after the day of sitting in the cold.
One of the nice things about getting grain in winter is the ramp is slick so the barrels slide up and onto the trailer with ease.
Soon I had the grain all loaded and it wasn't yet 5am. I will say my new headlamp being so bright makes seeing a bit hard when my breath fills the light with fog and makes it hard to see. I dimmed the light and it was a bit easier...
A stop for gas on the way home. It's said that filling the tank when it is coldest ensures you get the most gas since it is colder and denser.
After getting the boys to school and before letting the birds out I spread out the grain in the garden. It coated most of the upper rows off the end of the garlic garden.
Then I moved the trailer and spread the bulk of the remaining near the greenhouse.
The last bits got dumped into the sheep pen for them to munch on. The birds did invade it and I watched the sheep chase the birds off numerous times.
Man Utd played mid morning and I watched as they played their typical shitty game.
While trying to settle my face pain I got a bit at the board. My form is finally sliding into place with the consistent practice.
It was an actual surprise to me that they ended up winning. For ONCE Fernandez and Hoyland actually were on the same page and the set piece turned into the winning goal.
It was winter concert day for J's school so we went up for the 1pm start. We got there a few minutes early then they started with the 4th grade then went to fifth grade. I really do like R's school better, there are just way fewer kids and the programs are done better in my opinion. J's the one in the blue shirt.
I had to laugh at this. The glow of all the phones recording. It was like being in a meme...
The lights show was fun and the setting was good in that it projected all their voices out better.
Only about half an hour for the show and soon we were headed home.
The boys had STEM club so I picked them up afterwards and at home we had hockey on for the evening. Eventually the Kraken game came on and it started with a bang. In the first 5 minutes they were up 2-0 and it just kept rolling like that all game. They ended up winning 5-1 which is really needed if they want any chance at all of a post season, though that's months away.
The heat of the hot tub is a blessing and a curses. My swollen face doesn't like the heat so I was only able to handle a single cycle. I got out and sat in my chair with an ice pack pressed against my cheek for a while which helped a bit before bed.
Today I woke to a half inch of snow that is all we will get before it rains the next days. Will get the boys to school, at least one if the other doesn't feel well enough, I need to organize my antenna supplies better, I really need to till the greenhouse soil as it is coated in moldy grain which will be a ton of mycorrhiza but I will have to wear an N95 while doing it. R's winter concert is today and it is Friday the 13th.
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Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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Was it Mythbusters who tested that idea of cold gas giving more bang for your buck?
If memory serves, since fluid density is less affected by temperature than gas (the state of matter,) and gasoline is stored underground in tanks which tend to stabilize temperature compared to the heat or cold we feel when fueling up, it doesn't really make a statistical difference.
I don't remember them trying that one, they did all other kinds of fuel efficiency myths though. I might be conflating the don't pump when the tanks are being refilled with cold v warm.
I may also be just assuming any clip I vaguely remember testing any urban legend whatsoever must have been Mythbusters the way every song parody on Napster or LimeWire was labeled as "Weird Al."
I remember my dad saying to avoid getting gas on the really hot days because the heat makes the gas evaporate faster to fumes. Now how much difference does it actually make? Who knows. But that was my recollection of the"why" behind it.
It's so nice that you have a supplier of grain that you can pick up!👍
We don't have any farm animals, but that's a good thing because we also don't have a supplier of grain nearby you are very fortunate!👍😀
You DO have breweries around, that's where I get this. I have to drive 20 minutes into Spokane to get it and used to have 3 that I picked up from. The single brewery is easier at this point.
I didn't know breweries would let you have this......
Sounds like a win-win for both you and the brewery!👍😀
Hey I always wondered about grain flying off when you're driving like that. Is there just no loss for some reason?
Nice trailer by the way
Very little loss, only what I lose from bouncing the trailer around. It's all still pretty wet and sticky so doesn't really move too much. Just settles more than anything.
Alright, I guess if it was dry you could wet it down then? Cause I can only imagine if it was dry it would fly all over no?
Likely it would. It takes a long time to dry out in my garden even with the sun beating on it. The surface will dry but underneath is still wet for a while. Why I love it in my soil.