Yesterday was a kinda shit show ping pong day where I was here there and everywhere it felt like. The day started off icy and slick on the roads. I took the boys to school and as I dropped J off on one side of the school he said, "I forgot the plates and napkins"... THANK GOD we live so close to the school as I hauled ass back to the house, ran in and grabbed the bag from his room, then hauled ass back over and got him the stuff within minutes. Dropped R on the other side of the school then a little while later I was back picking him up.
I drove him to town and to @stryeyz so they could go to our friend's youngest's birthday party at the roller rink.
I bolted back to the house so I could get the main parts printed for one of R's Christmas gifts he asked for, a 3d printed Pokeball. The first half came out pretty good in white PLA.
I called for the endo appointment but the earliest is January 15th.... I really hope they have a cancellation before then to get me in. I'm likely going to have to take the course of Amoxicillin I have on hand starting the new year to MAKE DAMNED SURE the abscess is killed.
R was very keen on being back to school for the rest of the day as they were doing all kinds of holiday stuff. I picked him up at 11:45 and had him back in school a couple minutes after noon. While I was gone the other half of the ball was printing in red PET-G. He'll get a Frankenstein ball made of different materials but it should look correct. I am getting more black PLA today so I will print the innards of the ball in the next days.
After the bday party our friends all showed up to the house about 2:30 and dropped K off to hang for the evening and watch the boys while I was at he Christmas party. I took a bit to go haul the S19 to the shed and the air compressor so I could give it a good blast. I am positive the unit came from a mid latitude location, the frame is covered in RED dirt, the kind that is in deserts, jungles, and mid latitude regions.
I have a number of things to do with it but it is hashing away and heating the greenhouse nicely for now. Eventually I'll pull all the boards out and do a better cleaning job, for now it should do well.
I was really hoping MVG would lose but alas he made it through his round.
Before I left for the evening I got up in the attic and hauled down some board games J has been asking for. This RISK game was my father's from the 1950s and surprisingly is still in one piece. The playing pieces are just small painted wood pieces but the game is still played the same.
The company Christmas party has evolved into a MUCH NICER event now that there is no gift(liquor) exchange. The new format has made for a much more friendly feeling event and is far less work to put on thanks to the catering which is DELICIOUS!!! Every year the new hires for the year in the office/management are asked to write and read a poem a the party and this was that time.
Like I said the catering is outstanding and each year we bring home trays of food. This time I hauled home a completely full tray of fruit and charcuterie and a smaller tray of bacon wrapped meatballs. HOLY SHIT tasty! We will be tossing a s much as possible in the freeze dryer to preserve it.
It was after 9pm when we got home and saw Nancy's car at the gate but didn't see her in it. After a while of texting her we were home I ran out to the car to find her passed out asleep. She had been letting K do her thing watching the boys and didn't want to interrupt. They took off and headed home as we then headed for the hot tub. It ended up after midnight when I finally passed out.
Today we will have to go to town to get @stryeyz car, then I will go down to pickup a half barrel of grain since I won't have anymore for a few weeks, PDC is on with Barney then Littler playing mid day, maybe now I can get the tables setup in the greenhouse, then this evening I'll likely grill for dinner.
2024 Y/E Hive Goals | Goal | Current | +/- Goal | +/Week |
HP | 30,000 | 29,589 | + | 135 |
HBD Savings | 4,030 | 3,932 | / | 27 |
Hive Posting Streak Days | 1,681 | 1,671 | / | 7 |

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Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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Risk was a great game. If you enjoy it try Axis and Allies..
Sounds like the S 19 was hashing away out in the desert someway.....😀
Cheap electricity!!!😇