Nice Sunrise, My Jacked Up Skeleton, SEEDLINGS, Sanding, Wrestling - Wednesday

in Homesteading8 months ago (edited)

It was a rather nice sunrise yesterday morning. We had the rich hues that only happen at the early dawn transition to sunlight or late evening sunset. This was the portent of the inbound sky river that will hit California worse than us. Hopefully it will melt all the snow off and get us to Spring so I can get the garden tilled and planted. Something tells me I should be prepared again this year for turmoil in the world.


I futzed about the house for an hour or so until I had to go to my chiro appt. HOLY SHIT WAS THAT GLORIOUS!!!!! BUT there is the reality...


The red line is me and the green line is what I SHOULD be. Holy balls does this explain a lot.


This is C1, my very top vertebra, and it is SUPER DUPER WAY THE HELL OUT OF THE PARK out of alignment. This is a core problem with my headaches I know for sure. The whole thing is twisted about 15 degrees out of position and likely was pinching the nerves that cause the migraines.


The second space up from my tail bone is the T4/5 area and it is squished. The rest of the spacings look perfect in the lower back except that one.


This is where the shit hits the fan. This is my hips. The green is level, and wellllll, the red is me. That is FUCKED UP!!!! I have some choices to make in how to address this but first I have to get my spine right. I may end up having to go to the lift on my shoe to level my hips, or maybe something more extreme.

The adjustment then was glorious as he was able to get most of my bad vertebra to shift and pop. The best was when he got my neck to the right and it popped off the nerve and shot a blast of electricity through my brain and head. It was so good I got tears in my eyes and couldn't stop laughing at the relief. I am scheduled for 3 times a week for a few weeks then will go to twice and so forth.


I was on my way home and a truck wanted to haul ass so I followed along mostly with another car until a couple miles from home when I slowed and let them keep flying ahead. I made the final bend to the house and the truck was pulled over by highway patrol. It's good to listen to those little things that pop into the head.

We got sun for part of the day but then the clouds came back over with rain later in the day.


After picking the boys up from school I headed out to the greenhouse where I pulled the row cover to the side so the seedlings could get some light. It's to be above freezing the next week or more so they should have a good chance to start growing before the next freeze hits.


I had to dig around to find the sanding blocks but once I did I was able to smooth out the joint compound on the wall. It worked well to have the shop-vac going while I did so all the dust went right to it. At some point this summer J will likely paint his room so this will be covered over then.


I got dinner ready in time to get R to wrestling practice.


To end the practice they played laces which is tag but on the shoelaces. R got 2nd on the first round but got his nose crunched into the mat in the process. The next round he was out earlier, then the 3rd round he got first. He is now one of the stronger kids in the group and he is still one of the smaller. The coaches all have their eye on him as he is showing some good potential. And the thing I like the most is that he is enjoying it!


Got out to soak on time and was out by 9.


Today it is raining as I type this and I got a spike of migraine in the right side of my head a little bit ago I that is slowly calming down. I'll get the boys to school then I have my next chiro appt and adjustment which will hopefully kick the top vertebra into alignment since that is what is causing this insane pain.

PDC PL night 1 comes on at 11:15 then at noon Man Utd play the Wolves so I will likely have them both on, though I am likely to turn off the Utd match since they are in such shit form lately. I need to water the seedlings in the greenhouse and the house plants, this afternoon I will get the trailer hooked up for my grain run tomorrow, I'll cut the piece of laminate and install it, I'll go down to the creek to check the level with the warm temps and rain now melting the snow pack, and then come up with something for dinner this evening.

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In the same way, we see that the condition of the human being becomes worse, especially those who cannot eat good food.