Harvests, Attempted To Rest, Scooter Build, Branches, Amaranth - Monday

in Homesteading9 days ago

So sore yesterday morning so I was going slow but managed to get the couple things picked. The cucumbers needed a day of growth so today I will have some to harvest.


After using the Theracane for a while to abuse the knots in my back I was out rummaging around the farm for a piece of metal. I eventually found one but had to lop off one piece with the angle grinder.


I had to drop off a return at the UPS shop in Deer Park around 11am and stopped at the Tractor Supply store to pick up some parts.


It is a shit ton of on the fly engineering which might work out in the end. I got the holes drilled for the hinge to attach to the frame.


There are many reasons for the hinge but the primary is the space available to mount the motor. This also puts it within reach for the chain.


The wiring is all in the old battery box and everything powers up and works except for the sprocket.


The seat post mount is the real reason for the lack of space. But I used one of the bolt holes for the eye bolt which I am using a turnbuckle to tighten the motor. The sprocket that came on the motor is wrong for the chain I have so the new one will be here tomorrow and after that the thing should work right. Now the sprocket skips too easy. I rolled the scooter into the gear shed for the night. I have a ton of clean up to do today as I left stuff strewn about.


I sat and rested often during the day and tried to work out the muscle problems. After the boys got home from school I was out in the yard doing small bits of cleanup and finally drug the branches down to the other piles. I also drug the chain link fence pieces over to the fence area.


The massive amaranth finally fell over. I grabbed a tripod and tipped it back up and let it lean on the tripod. A branch broke off and I took it and spread the seeds all around the farm as I went to the package box.


@stryeyz brought food home and we watched the Sunday night animes before going out to soak.


Shitty night, well morning more so today... I will get the boys to school, get harvests done, then go around the entire farm and prep for rain tomorrow, I will use the trailer to haul all the scrap garbage wood out to the dump pile and figure out a place for the still usable, and I will work on my sore body off and on through out the day.


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I now have some tomato plants at home but I go home every Sunday
I’d show you and I hope I don’t forget

With your climate you can probably grow them year round.