Visiting the Garden with Mama

in Homesteadingyesterday

One of the things I love Mama for is the fact that she doesn't joke with regular farm checks. She loves her farm crops just like her children. It's been up to three weeks now since we embarked on a short break from school and I decided to visit Mama. There are many reasons I decided to visit Mama. Majorly I wanted to see her and know how she is faring and then explore her farmlands as well.

Without much talk, let me share with everyone how our morning garden check-up went through this morning. Mama is a cool lady who can never miss visiting and checking up on her farm every morning before thinking of the kitchen.

Back then when we built our house and fenced it, we planned on decorating the edges with different flower plants but Mama disagreed with that idea. She said she would turn it into a mini-garden and that's what it is today.

Mama plants many varieties of farm crops on this side of the fence. Most of the crops are okra, pumpkin, maize and spinach.

Since Mama also has some goats she is rearing, she often makes do with the animal's dung for organic manure. Most of the biodegradable house wastes also go to the garden and with all these subsistence practices been carried out in the garden, the plants in the garden have been growing very well.

One of the major crops in the garden is okra.

While we were carrying out some light weeding, I observed that most of the okra plants had already bloomed up flowers and some of the flowers had matured into okra fruits.

Mama is a real minimalist as she says that 90% of her foodstuff comes from her farms and gardens.

The pumpkin is another farm crop Mama made sure was grown in her garden. She explained to me how she often harvests okra and some pumpkin leaves to make her delicious soup.
Taking a look at the garden, I can see that some of the pumpkins have already begun to bring forth fruits.

The pumpkins have grown out of control, they have entwined the staking wood and extended to climbing over our fence. In this short visit to Mama, I have learned many things about crop combinations in a farm to serve one’s needs.

Taking a look at Mama, one can see how fresh and healthy she looks.

This is because she mainly eats fresh foods like those grown in her farms and gardens. Eating fresh vegetables and most other fruits from the farm is a secret to being healthy as these farm products contain essential nutrients for better health.

Thanks for reading friends, Mama says Hi to you all.
Enjoy your day.
All the images are mine.