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RE: Wild (Homestead) House Hunting On Foot

in Homesteading4 months ago

what an amazing journey! I can totally relate to searching for a road off the main way and the need for privacy. Most of my friends think my partner and I are totally crazy for the amount of privacy we require. The thing is that I use my front yard as a kind of outdoor room and want to feel as safe & secure there as I do indoors. Right now we live in a little house in the middle of a big farm so we have the perfect set up.


Most of my friends think my partner and I are totally crazy for the amount of privacy we require.

We get you. Sending a hug!

🥰 Thanks for checking in, lovely friend!Ahhh, I cannot wait to also have this kind of setup, dearest @calendulacraft 😍🤩😁 It is really good to know others - no matter how far away they/ you are - who appreciate and NEED absolute privacy. It so relates to security, sovereignty and peace, absolutely. Either distance from a village and/ or a large property with the house equi-distant from its perimeter boundary 😇🥰🤗🥳 That's the minimum we need, eh @vincentnijman ?

That's the minimum we need, eh @vincentnijman ?

The minimum indeed :<)