My flower producing fluted pumpkin plant, some simple steps to keep the seeds good and healthy

in Homesteading7 months ago


Fluted pumpkin is a unique seed seed leaf and seed producing plant with the most obvious usage been the leaf that is mostly used as vegetables for different kinds of meals and herbal use cause of it's nutritional quantity the most important part of which is the belief from locals backed by science and nutrition that it has nutrients that helps with blood production and nutrition that's just by the way.


The seed is of huge importance while some use it as food others use it for planting new fluted pumpkin and to get to that stage the fluted pumpkin has to produce flowers first before it starts developing the seed which at this stage the once fresh looking plant begins to show changes like gradual decline in the quality of it's leaf and dryness is some cases.

The best time to enjoy fresh fluted pumpkin plant is when it is still young the leaf at that stage is more fresh than at the stage when it starts developing flowers and seeds at this stage the leaf becomes tougher to chew and it will definitely take time for it to cook.

This stage means that you should make sure that the garden is very secure the seeds have something to hang on to so the seeds doesn't fall off because if we put into consideration the size of the seed compared to the branch holding it then it will definitely fall off with any form of support.

We also need to keep the seeds from the ground because of pest and to also give the plant maximum supply of water that it needs especially if there is no rainfall at that period.

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