Cultivating okra: a guide on choosing the right variety to plant.

in Homesteading6 months ago


Okra is a vegetable plant with numerous health benefits and a unique flavour which makes it a good vegetable plant to have in our farms or garden as the case may be, it is a plant that is very sensitive to an environments climatic condition which makes managing it even more tricky.


Before planting any crop whatsoever it is very important to confirm which variety fits your need as a farm and to be sure that you are not planting the right variety in the wrong farmland or the wrong variety on the right farm land and to do these we have to learn more about the variety that we are using from experts in the agro Mall where the seeds where gotten from or ask from farmers close by who have had prior knowledge of the way to cultivate that variety.




I will touch on three important varieties and prospective okra farmers can pick their choice from it.

The first one is the Clemson spineless okra that is known to possess two very important attributes the first one is that it has tender pods which is generally categorized by the absence of spines, most okra's have spine around the fruit which sometimes makes it difficult to harvest it with our bear hands but this variety doesn't have spines and it also has high yield which every farmer would love to hear.

The second variety is the red burgundy that has qualities like like it's sweet flavour and striking color and the last variety is the lady finger that is known for its slender pods and ease of growth.

Having an idea of what we want will determine what we eventually plant at the end of the day and these is what farming is all about, cultivating what we need the most.

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