Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
The man finds an empty chair with a group of strangers who invite him over; everyone is welcome to sit and share company this evening. He enjoys a drink, some friendly conversation, and laughter with these strangers-now-friends, sits, and enjoys a drink and some idle conversation with some strangers. Everyone is happy this night. After finishing his drink he secures his pack, bids his new friends good evening, and hurries back into the chilly street. Across the street he spies a toy store still open - Puppets and Marionettes - and smiles anew.
The evening is getting late, so he hurries. Within the store are some last minute gift-buyers and one very excited child who is as interested in several puppets for himself as he is for a gift, which his mother continues to remind him of. More gifts are purchased, as well as one single, solitary hand puppet, purchased by the long, friendly man.
(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

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Will there be talking animals coming?
Posted using Partiko Android
Nope. No. No talking animals. If you were looking for it, I apologise in advance.
A Christmas decorated UFO landing?
Now that I could be tempted to do, but it'd be a different story
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Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you!
I am so far behind that this is the first of the advent entries I’ve seen! Now I have to look for more!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks for finding and stopping by! I hope you're able to stick around for the rest of the story.