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RE: Taking aim at cancer

Thats sucks to hear! I know I dont know you all very well but I really do hope the best for you guys on the other side of the globe.

Cancer took my brother and many family friends over the years. While Ive got a great neice and nephew that both beat leukemia when they were younger.

In my brothers case it was colon cancer and was given the all clear. Then suddenly it came back with a vengeance about a year later. Hit him so fast that he was gone within a week of the resurgence.

My great neice, who is now all grown up, is a RN and works for the Make a Wish foundation helping kids going through the same crap she grew up with.

Just want to say that in the pic she doesnt look grumpy to me. She looks like a bad ass that could kick this old truck drivers ass. Even without the guns, lol!

I've had guns pointed at me several times over the years and never been scared. But when my wife looks at me like that it sends a chill down my spine!

Posted using Dapplr


It sounds like you've had your share of exposure to the old cancer scenario. It sucks ass but all a person can do is give in or push on, the latter is what Faith and I will do. Thanks for sharing your experiences and showing some solidarity for a fellow hiver on the other side of the world.

Faith is a pretty good shooter although prefers the long guns more than handguns. She knows her way around rifles, shotguns and handguns though and can shoot all of them pretty well. She's pretty bad ass, a real fighter, strong of character and yet soft and feminine. She keeps me in line too, not easily done, but she does it.


Sounds like shes cut from the same cloth my wife is!

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